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Bridging Divides: Ratzdorf Initiative Uses Theater, Readings, and Music to Unite the Oder Region

Ratzdorf (dpa / bb) – With theater, readings and music, an initiative in Ratzdorf (Oder-Spree) wants to build bridges between the people in the Oder region. During the culture summer this year until the end of September, community theater, music from classical to techno and readings would be offered, reported the spokeswoman for the initiative, Dorothee Schmidt-Breit. “We want to counteract the divisive currents that are also spreading in our region,” said the spokeswoman. “And create a space of encounter between people with different opinions,” she added.

The “Kajüte” restaurant and dance inn dating back to 1840 was taken over by the initiative in 1999, renovated in-house and has been in operation since 2002. This year, the summer of culture has been on offer since mid-July with a changing programme, ending on September 30th with a concert by the “Anarchist Music Industry” brass band.

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2023-08-18 07:47:19
#Building #bridges #cultural #summer #Kajüte #Ratzdorf

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