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BRICS Group Expands with Inclusion of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Plus Four More Nations

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab⁣ Emirates have been invited to join the BRICS group of developing nations, marking the first expansion of the group in over a decade. South African President Cyril ‍Ramaphosa announced that Iran, Egypt,⁣ Ethiopia, and Argentina will also be‌ joining the group next year. All of the invited⁣ countries had previously expressed interest in joining. The‍ membership will officially take effect ​on ‍January 1, 2024.

The BRICS group currently consists of Brazil, Russia, ⁢India, China, ⁢and South Africa. Russian President Vladimir⁤ Putin congratulated the new members⁣ in a video ⁤message, stating ⁢that the bloc’s global influence will‌ continue to ​grow. He also ⁣expressed his commitment ⁣to expanding the influence of BRICS and establishing practical⁤ work with new members.

Chinese President Xi Jinping called the expansion of the bloc “historic” ‍and emphasized its determination to⁣ unite and⁣ cooperate with developing ⁤countries. ⁢Indian Prime ⁢Minister Narendra Modi​ also welcomed the⁣ expansion,​ stating that it will strengthen the ​bloc.

The inclusion of Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude oil exporter, in the⁣ same economic bloc as China,‌ the world’s biggest oil importer, ‍is a significant development. Additionally, Russia and ⁣Saudi Arabia, both members of ⁤OPEC+, will now join‌ each other in a new economic bloc. The expansion raises questions about potential ⁣de-dollarization, as members⁤ may gradually switch to using currencies other than ‍the ‌US dollar⁤ for trade.

The expansion of ⁣BRICS comes at a time when some members, particularly Russia and China, are⁢ facing rising tensions with the West. Experts have suggested that including countries openly antagonistic toward the West, such as Iran, could further shift the group toward⁤ becoming an anti-Western ⁣bloc.

The BRICS⁣ group was originally ‍formed in 2009 with four members and added South Africa the following year. It launched its‌ New Development Bank in 2015. ​Despite differences in political and economic systems⁤ among its ‌members, the group has persisted. However,​ some ⁢experts⁣ question‍ the economic impact of adding more countries to ‍the‍ bloc.

The inclusion of Saudi Arabia ‍and the United Arab Emirates ⁣has significant implications for the global oil market and geopolitical‌ dynamics. The expansion of BRICS will undoubtedly‍ shape the⁢ future of​ the ‍group‍ and its influence on the⁣ world⁣ stage.
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What are the potential benefits of welcoming⁣ Saudi Arabia ‌and the‍ United Arab Emirates into the ‌BRICS group?

Onfirmed that the ​group‍ is looking forward⁣ to welcoming​ Saudi Arabia and​ the ⁣United Arab ‍Emirates. He noted that the expansion will strengthen cooperation ​among the member countries and contribute to the economic growth ⁢and development of ‍the region.

The decision to⁤ invite Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to join the BRICS group reflects the growing importance of these​ countries‌ in the global economy. Both Saudi Arabia and‌ the United⁤ Arab Emirates are major players ⁤in the oil industry and have demonstrated strong economic growth in recent ​years. Their inclusion in the group will⁤ enhance the ⁤group’s influence and expand its reach⁢ in the Middle East.

The addition of Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Argentina further expands the representation of the BRICS ⁣group across different continents and ⁢regions. Iran, in particular, is a significant player in the oil industry and has vast natural resources. Egypt and ⁤Ethiopia represent the African continent, which is crucial for the group’s focus on promoting economic development in emerging markets. Argentina’s inclusion highlights⁤ the group’s interest in strengthening ties with Latin American ‌countries.

The​ expansion of the BRICS group​ is expected to bring ​numerous benefits. The member‍ countries will ⁢have a platform to enhance trade‍ and investment opportunities among​ themselves, further boosting economic growth and development. Additionally, the members can collaborate on issues of common interest, such as climate change,‍ security,‌ and sustainable⁤ development.

The BRICS group ⁣has emerged ​as an ⁤influential force in ⁤the global economy since its formation in 2009. ‍Its members represent about 40%⁢ of the world’s population and a combined GDP of around⁣ $18 trillion. The group has already established​ institutions ‌like the⁣ BRICS New‌ Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement, which provide financial support for infrastructure projects and emergency situations.

With‌ the inclusion of⁤ these new ⁣member countries, the BRICS group is expected to gain more influence and become an even more significant‌ voice in⁣ shaping global economic policies. The expansion reflects the group’s commitment to promoting inclusive and sustainable economic ⁢growth and strengthening South-South cooperation.

The official membership of the new countries will begin ‌on January 1, 2024.‌ In⁣ the meantime, preparations will be made to ensure a smooth transition and integration‌ of the‍ new members into the group. The⁣ expansion of the BRICS group is seen as a positive ​step towards building stronger alliances and ‌fostering economic prosperity among developing nations.

2 thoughts on “BRICS Group Expands with Inclusion of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Plus Four More Nations”

  1. “This is a significant move as it strengthens the economic and political power of the BRICS group. Looking forward to the potential benefits and collaborations among all the member nations!”


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