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BRIAN SHAW builds AUTO LEG PRESS! | fitpedia.com

Brian Shaw builds Auto Leg Press! the strong man Brian Shaw will soon hold its third major competition on its own. The Shaw Classic 2022 will include some challenging events and will be a showdown between top athletes. The four-time strongest man in the world apparently spares no expense or effort. He wants to make the Shaw Classic one of the most spectacular strongman competitions.

Strongmen, powerlifters, and other lifters love to show off their skills by loading hundreds of pounds of weight on leg presses and trying as many reps as possible. An additionally loaded barbell is often clamped behind the leg press. Alternatively, humans sit on top to further increase the exorbitantly high weight. Most recently, the German strength athlete Leonidas Arkona tried on a 1000 kg leg press.

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All of that pales in comparison to what Brian Shaw is up to. The strongman has come up with a spectacular alternative to the usual variations of the leg press. His leg press has been modified to have a real car on top. An impressive 2,000 pounds of weight are to be moved on the day of the competition.

“This is a strongman event. It’s literally everything I imagined this event to be. You can’t look at it and say it’s not absolutely fantastic,” said the American. The Shaw Classic is scheduled to take place August 13-14 in Loveland, Colorado.

We are very curious!

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