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Brian Mulroney’s Impact on Economic Development in the Region: A Look Back at Key Projects in Sept-Îles and Port-Cartier

When we look at Brian Mulroney’s action in the region, we realize that he was instrumental in moving forward several projects.

René Fréchette worked from 1984 to 1986 in the Sept-Îles office of Manicouagan MP Brian Mulroney. He acted as deputy to the deputy.

“He was passionate. He was someone who sought consensus. He had a vision for the future,” recalls Mr. Fréchette.

He witnessed Mr. Mulroney’s involvement in unblocking issues that had a positive impact for the region.

“Economically, it made a difference. It is a catalyst for economic recovery for the Sept-Îles and Port-Cartier sector,” says Mr. Fréchette.

René Fréchette with Brian Mulroney in 1986. The photo was taken in the Prime Minister’s office in Ottawa. Courtesy photo.

He remembers several issues such as the relaunch of the Port-Cartier pulp factory which was taken over by Cascades, as well as the installation of the Port-Cartier penitentiary.

“I confirm to you that this penitentiary project was initiated by Brian Mulroney and that he imposed the location of Port-Cartier,” said René Fréchette.

He adds that during his time at the county office, there were discussions for a possible aluminum smelter project in Sept-Îles. For Mr. Fréchette, this project was possibly possible thanks to the relationship between Mr. Mulroney and the Prime Minister of Quebec at the time, Robert Bourassa.

He also highlights the role that Brian Mulroney played in the extension of Route 138 to Natashquan.

The MP’s assistant also remembers that Brian Mulroney was accused by the opposition of favoring the riding of Manicouagan because of all the investments there were.

Another person who witnessed the role that Brian Mulroney had in the region is André Michel.

“For me, he was a jovial, cordial and warm man. I think that the North Shore and Sept-Îles owe him a lot,” comments Mr. Michel.

The latter’s plan was to create what would become the Côte-Nord Regional Museum during the 1980s. Except that one thing was missing, money. The funds provided by Quebec were not sufficient. It was ultimately thanks to the intervention of Brian Mulroney and financial support from the federal government that the sum necessary for this project was finally raised.

2024-03-04 21:31:59
#Brian #Mulroney #catalyst #carrying #projects #NordCôtier

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