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“Brexit will keep us busy for a long time” – Celler Presse

LOWER SAXONY. Less than a year after the trade and cooperation agreement between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) came into force, Lower Saxony’s European Minister Birgit Honé took stock: “In 2020 we were able to prevent an unregulated Brexit. But many things are still inadequately regulated or not regulated at all, and this has a negative impact on the economy and, above all, the lives of many people. So we are not at the end, but at the beginning of a long road to new European-British relations. Brexit is far from over, it will keep us busy for a long time, “said Honé.

The minister stressed that the UK’s 2016 exit vote must be respected. Nonetheless, she continues to be critical of the UK’s exit from the EU: “One year of leaving the single market shows: Brexit is bad for us all. There are no winners, but instead many losers – and not just in the economy on both sides of the English Channel, ”said Honé. The minister, however, sees the fact that the EU has shown unity in the Brexit negotiations as positive.

The UK had already left the EU in 2020, but did not leave the single market and customs union until January 1, 2021. Although the trade agreement negotiated on Christmas Eve 2020 regulates economic relations, many questions are still open. There are also further discussions about the customs border to the EU country Irelandwhich is actually supposed to run in the Irish Sea due to the sensitive border with Northern Ireland. Honé warned the government in London to keep their commitments to the Ireland / Northern Ireland Protocol: “If the British side does not move on Ireland / Northern Ireland, the EU will have to take countermeasures,” she warned.

the Trade problems are also shown in a recent survey by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK). According to this, German companies in Great Britain often have to struggle with supply chain problems, a lack of staff and legal uncertainties and complain of discrimination. This coincides with the mood of the IHK Nord, which in the summer had brought together complaints from North German companies about slow business with the UK.

the Trade relations continue to decline accordingly. This year the UK could fall out of the top ten German trading partners for the first time since 1950. Honé emphasized that the decline was not only due to Corona, but also to Brexit: “The volume of trade has been falling steadily for years. Lower Saxony alone recorded an export decline of 13.8 percent within five years. Corona only exacerbates an already existing trend here, ”explained the minister.

Other regulations are also still inadequate, according to Honé: For example, Brexit has the quota negotiations in the fishing further complicated, especially since the conflict between the EU and Norway over cod quotas also had indirect consequences. The future is becoming increasingly difficult to plan for the fishing industry in Lower Saxony, said Honé. “We have successfully campaigned for compensation from the Brexit adjustment reserve for our fishing operations. But of course the fishermen prefer to do their job, ”said the minister. Honé announced that he would continue to campaign for the interests of the fishery. The minister contacted the European Commission and asked them to listen to the concerns of the fishermen in Lower Saxony on the spot – and the signals have already been very positive.

The minister is worried Obstacles in everyday life many people: There was still a lack of rules on services and the recognition of qualifications. Numerous professionals from the craft, art and sport are restricted in their professional practice. Because of the UK’s withdrawal from the Erasmus program, the number of students from Germany in Great Britain is falling sharply. “We have to take countermeasures here. The young generation in particular on both sides of the English Channel shouldn’t have to suffer too much from Brexit, ”said Honé. “The exchange between young people is of immense importance. Because it is they who have to fill the new European-British relationship with life. “

According to a recent survey by the opinion research institute Opinium, even 26 percent of former Brexit supporters believe that Brexit went worse than expected. Honé: “Brexit is being viewed critically by more and more Britons. I hope that the government in London will pick up on these signals and act accordingly. Then there could also be new potential for closer cooperation in the interests of both parties. “

The minister announced that Dialog to be continued between the actors in Lower Saxony, the federal government and the UK. The European Ministry represents Lower Saxony’s interests in the Federal Council, the Conference of European Ministers and the Bund-Länder-AG Brexit. In addition, it regularly coordinates a round table at the state level with the most important stakeholders on Brexit and its consequences. “We will continue to campaign for a good relationship with our neighbors. This does not only apply politically at the European and federal level. Rather, we want to talk to those affected and look for good solutions at all levels, ”said Honé.

Photo: Volker Neumann



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