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Brexit – British Navy prepares to protect domestic fisheries

The Defense Ministry has prepared for a number of possible scenarios after the transition period, said a Defense Ministry spokesman. The 80 meter long navy vessels could stop, examine and seize fishing boats in British waters.

The so-called transition period ends on January 1st. Then the separation of Great Britain from the European Union will be formalized. If there is no agreement on future relations between the Union of States and the United Kingdom by then, the fishing rights of EU countries in British fishing areas will expire. In London there are fears that a “no deal” could lead to confrontations between British and foreign trawlers.

According to a media report, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson got an idea of ​​the UK’s preparations for a no-deal Brexit. The BBC reported that chief negotiator Michael Gove also attended the meeting on Friday.

Both sides had previously been pessimistic that an agreement would still be reached after months of negotiations. The deadline for this expires on Sunday evening. One of the most controversial issues in the negotiations is fishing rights.


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