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Brexit and market changes put pressure on British 3D printing filament dealer

The UK 3D printing filament retailer 3D FilaPrint ceases operations. The company, which served hobbyists, professionals and educational institutions, is facing a number of challenges that make it impossible to continue as a going concern.

A major factor in the closure is the economic consequences of Brexit. Britain’s exit from the EU led to significant cost increases for imports from Europe, Asia and the USA – regions from which 3D FilaPrint sourced a large part of its filaments. New customs regulations and tariffs made it difficult for the company to offer competitive prices in a market with already low margins.

The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated the situation. Disrupted supply chains, shipping delays and unpredictable fluctuations in demand further burdened the company. The Ukraine-Russia conflict also contributed to economic instability and made it difficult to maintain stable business operations.

In the changing market environment, 3D FilaPrint faced increasing competition from larger international manufacturers and distributors. Thanks to economies of scale, these manufacturers were often able to offer cheaper prices, sometimes even below purchasing costs. Some suppliers also began selling their materials directly in the UK, bypassing middlemen like 3D FilaPrint.

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