Home » today » Sport » Bremer between Juve and Inter: Zhang does not want auctions, a key role for Casadei. New summit today?

Bremer between Juve and Inter: Zhang does not want auctions, a key role for Casadei. New summit today?

Also there Gazzetta dello Sport confirms the will of the Juventus to propose today an offer to Turin for Gleison Bremer higher than that of Inter: the bianconeri should put on the table 35 million plus 5 of bonuses with a 5-year contract for the Brazilian at 5 million per season (the Nerazzurri offer 3.4 net a year).

All finished? Not yet. “Bremer was and still is by posting the favourite Inter in the delicate role of post-Skriniar, provided that the Slovak definitively takes a plane to Paris – it says -. For the Brazilian, the Nerazzurri club has been spreading the canvas for a while: both the flirtation with the player and the diplomatic work with Torino come from afar. And yesterday’s meeting between the two clubs was the natural end of a long preparatory work. We met in the center of Milan only in the late afternoon, not at dinner, and Inter reaffirmed their position, daughter of the club’s economic moment: the Nerazzurri proposal must officially stop at 30 million euros, in the formula of a loan with redemption at very easy to reach conditions and with the inclusion of a counterpart that assumes an important specific weight in the game. Cesare Casadei he’s not just any 19-year-old, he’s the brightest jewel in the world quarry Inter. It is evaluated around 8 million and the fact that Zhang’s club thinks of sacrificing him on the Brazilian’s altar makes it clear how much Bremer is considered strategic by Inzaghi. The Nerazzurri, among other things, would like to prudently keep an option of buyback. It is an aspect that can be dealt with (and today the clubs may well meet again), but Inter do not want auctions and are now chasing Juve. “

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