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Bremen is preparing to vaccinate young people soon

It is still not clear when adolescents between the ages of twelve and 17 can be vaccinated. The reason is simple: no vaccine has yet been approved for this group. But that could change soon, the company Biontech has announced approval for the beginning of June at the latest. Moderna also wants to apply for worldwide approval for its vaccine for children and adolescents from the age of twelve at the beginning of June, the company announced on Tuesday. The state of Lower Saxony had already presented a concept on Tuesday with which all around 450,000 schoolchildren should be given an offer for immunization – including an initial vaccination before the summer holidays.

A little later, the state of Bremen followed suit. The Senate announced that it would also prepare for the case of approval of a vaccine. “Even if there are still some unanswered questions in the entire process, we want to be well prepared,” said Health Senator Claudio Bernhard. “It is not yet clear when the vaccine for young people will be approved, how the STIKO will behave and when the federal government will provide how much vaccine. In Bremen, however, we do our homework, prepare and are ready as soon as the federal government delivers . ” More details should be available soon. “We will further concretise the concept in the coming days, but at the same time expect the Federal Ministry of Health to provide sufficient additional vaccine,” said Bernhard.

In the municipality of Bremen around 30,000 people belong to the affected age group, in Bremerhaven there are around 6600. According to the current status, the vaccination should be divided into three areas. The health department announced that the vaccination centers should take over the majority. In addition, there should be capacities for pediatricians and mobile vaccination services. All adolescents between the ages of twelve and 17 should be informed by post about the possibility of vaccination after the vaccine has been approved. “In addition, there will be vaccination offers with a vaccination mobile at 14 locations in Bremen, which will either offer vaccinations at schools, youth camps or other places,” says a press release.

“It is important that all twelve to 17-year-olds receive a vaccination offer. This is the continuation of the Senate’s comprehensive testing and vaccination strategy in schools. For this purpose, families must be addressed appropriately,” said Claudia Bogedan, Senator for Children and Education . “I am glad and grateful that our schools are ready to support this process. Even if the employees cannot take on medical advice under any circumstances. It is good that the vaccination offer is also brought to the pupils. This way we can all who vaccinate want to really achieve. “

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