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Bremen crime writer creates suspense on Sylt

Bremen – If it is not clear how and when travel will be possible again – and actually responsible – then you can at least read about one or the other holiday destination. And travel in the imagination, so to speak, solely on the basis of the imagination.

A pleasure suitable for pandemics, with one or the other Regional crime can play a role. On Sylt crime thriller for example. Why do we mention this here? Because a Bremen author just released a Sylt thriller. “Truth or Sylt” is the title of the debut of Jacob Walden. The ingredients? “Sun, sea, beach and sex” is the motto of Gmeiner-Verlag, which published the 315-page volume (price: 15 euros). Walden tells about Midsummer on Sylt, from three days and nights in the dunes.

A young man and a young woman wake up in a Sylt hospital. What happened? Well, the two of them can’t remember anything at first. What is truthwhat is Sylt? Slowly the protagonists – and thus also: the readers – learn what happened.

Crime scenes in Bremen and India

Who is the perpetrator, who is Victim? It relaxes a story that fundamentally affects the relationship of four friends shocked – and their locations as well as Sylt Bremen (Findorff, Schwachhausen, Stadtwerder), South Hesse and If are. It’s about excessive party life, Drugs and entanglements – after all, it’s a thriller.

The crime thriller by Jacob Walden.jpg

© Kuzaj

Walden, born in 1975, knows his locations. The author grew up in southern Hesse and studied in Freiburg and Heidelberg. After completing the Medical studies He was drawn to Sylt for ten years. “Through medical work in hospitals, general practitioners’ practices and Sanatoriums as well as for emergency services and for police let intense glances behind the beautiful facade from Sylt cannot be avoided ”, his publisher laconically announces. Jacob Walden now lives in Bremen. “Truth or Sylt” is his first crime novel.

Science for children: “Finja researches” again

We switch from the crime department to the Children’s book departmentG. One is aimed at girls and boys from the third grade onwards Science series of the Bremen Schünemann publishing house, which takes place in the Hanseatic city: “Finja researches”.

“The mysterious powder” was Finja and her friend Malik’s first adventure in 2019. It started in Bürgerpark – and it led the two protagonists to the Uni, to the Leibniz Institute for Material-Oriented Technologies (IWT) and to the Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (Zarm, known for the Fall tower).

The second “Finja-forscht” volume has now been published, it is entitled “The Enigmatic Robot“(64 pages, price: 12.90 euros). The topic this time: Artificial intelligence.

The scientists in the book really exist

This book has again Isabell Harder written. She is employed at Bremen University as – that’s really what it is called – “Transfer Coordinator University & School” and has the Lockdown used last year for research and writing: “If we don’t have any events for student we can at least provide something exciting Reading material. ”The illustrations in the book are again from Lea Merry.

This time Finja and Malik meet the robot from Bremen „Luna Pepper“. It really does exist – like the scientists who play a role in Harder’s story: Professor Rolf Drechsler, Professor Michael Beetz and the young scientist Gaya kazhoyan research in books and in real life at the University of Bremen on the subject of artificial intelligence and robotics.

What is Artificial Intelligence? How does a robot learn? And why can “Luna Pepper” be a lot difficult ask answer but not making coffee? The book is about questions like these – and of course those reply thereon.

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