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Bremen club: FC Oberneuland needs more sports areas – Bremen Northeast: District courier

Even a move to the Oberneuland office park was a mental game for FC Oberneuland. (Karsten Klama)

FC Oberneuland (FCO) needs more space. The 23 teams currently share the artificial turf field, which in turn has to be quartered. The natural grass pitch is currently not usable due to the weather, reported Uwe Piehl to the Oberneuland sports committee. With regard to the two performance teams of the 600-member club, this is a serious problem, emphasized the second chairman of the FCO. “We need more capacity.”

Although the FCO received an offer from the neighboring TV Oberneuland to train on its grass pitch, it was also canceled due to the current weather conditions, said Piehl. Since the FCO also wants to expand its offer, a larger solution is needed in the future. “We need an additional turf and artificial turf pitch,” he emphasized. Either via alternative areas in the district or in the form of a completely new location. There has recently been a mental game with a view to the test area to expand the office park. Committee spokeswoman Tamina Kreyenhop (CDU) pointed out that it is intended for residential development – and such a solution is probably also expensive. Piehl explained that the FCO is therefore going public with its space problems in order to consider, together with the district and the politicians, which solutions are conceivable. He was aware that a new location would be an expensive undertaking, “we only thought out loud at first”.

The FCO has planned to expand both competitive and popular sports. In addition, according to Piehl, the association hopes to be able to anchor itself more firmly in the district. Currently, for example, some actors have spontaneously started an appeal for donations with which they want to support Frieda-Homeless Aid Bremen. For this purpose, the FCO will accept clothing donations, meal vouchers and canned goods on Vinnenweg until Friday, February 12, from 7 to 9.30 p.m.

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