The 63-year-old is said to have threatened the Federal Minister of Health
Police officer in uniform. photo
© Jens Büttner/zb/dpa/Symbolbild
A 63-year-old from Bremen is strongly suspected of having threatened Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) via the Internet. The police searched the man’s home on Wednesday. Bremen is said to have posted a few months ago via a social network that he will silence the minister with lead, the police said on Friday. A witness discovered the text on the Internet and reported it.
A 63-year-old from Bremen is strongly suspected of having threatened Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) via the Internet. The police searched the man’s home on Wednesday. Bremen is said to have posted a few months ago via a social network that he will silence the minister with lead, the police said on Friday. A witness discovered the text on the Internet and reported it.
In addition, the 63-year-old is said to have traded in illegal tobacco products and operated a pirate radio station. According to the police, he is said to have used this to spread ideological content from the lateral thinker scene. During the search, the investigators confiscated various data carriers, tobacco products and a transmitter. The police are investigating threats and violations of the Telecommunications Act and the Tobacco Tax Act.
Police press release