Published on 24.04.2023 at 10:38 am by Interview by Aly Asmane Ascofaré
URD, RPM… In Mali, there are many political parties to suffer from internal instability after the death of their leaders. How to explain it? Interview with Bréhima Sidibé, political analyst and Secretary General of the FARE An Ka Wili party.
How do you explain this phenomenon?
It must be analyzed in its context. Are we in a society which has strong convictions, self-awareness, ie which is ready to fight for its thought, its opinions and beliefs, among others? When you come from such a volatile society, such a society in perpetual motion, you have to expect this phenomenon. Political parties are only part of society. This phenomenon is so visible in the political parties, in the political class, because today everything is done to draw public attention to the political class. Otherwise, what is done within political parties is also done in our families and in all spheres of our society. This is not the prerogative of politicians.
How do you work in your party to avoid this?
We are an Executive Secretariat of 99 members, men and women of conviction. We hope that the idea that led us to create the FARE, to constitute ourselves as a political party, will resist whoever is there. When you are convinced of an ideal, when you have ambitions for your country, regardless of the men or women who are there, the ideal can resist, move forward and be realized.
What is your party’s position vis-à-vis the Transition today?
Given that the soldiers who took power in August 2020 said that they had come to complete the work of the M5-RFP, we consider that we are the Transition, and not a support of the Transition. In fact, there are those who support it and those who don’t. The Transition is us. It was we who wanted it from IBK, since we are one of the major players in the M5-RFP, who requested his departure.
Who of the M5 today M5?
He experienced difficulties but that does not prevent the ideal from continuing. Beyond men, we wanted it to be a spirit. And that spirit still exists.
Did the movement still split in two?
Non, there is only one M5. It was at the level of the Strategic Committee that there were problems, with the creation of the M5 Mali Kura Strategic Committee. Otherwise, at the level of the militants, everyone claims the same M5.
2023-04-24 10:38:00
#Bréhima #Sidibé #Transition