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Břeh Festival: Bringing Diversity and Alternative Music to Ostrava

At the first year of the Břeh festival, for example, Slovak post-punk band 52 Hertz Whale, Prague alternative singer-songwriter Amelie Siba, but also rapper Anki and representatives of the noise scene, such as local Tilikum, Prague-Silesian Patole and Czech-Canadian Alpha Strategy will perform at the first year of the Břeh festival.

“Of course, Ostrava has a lot of other festivals – from the smallest ones to the giant Colors, which is great, but we lack a smaller alternative festival here, where mainly bands that play in smaller clubs would come to play. Which do not attract crowds, but they also have their audience,” says festival organizer Jan Dvořák about the reasons why the Operation Culture Center decided to establish a new festival.

According to him, the program of the Břeh show also illustrates the dramaturgical scope of Operation in a way. “Even during regular double or triple concerts, it sometimes works out for us that bands of very different genres play in one evening. Diversity is our own,” added Dvořák

2023-06-09 14:09:42
#Ostrava #Břeh #festival #opened #Amelie #Siba #Hertz #Whale #Novinky

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