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Breathing masks: Why anxiety mostly has psychological reasons

Can it be too Anxiety come?

There is no scientific evidence. For Hutter but it is psychologically understandable. “We are familiar with this from CT examinations, for example.” In people with respiratory diseases, the reaction is not only psychological, but also physiological. Patients with severe respiratory diseases such as COPD or asthma are excluded from the Mask requirement. A mask could also be counterproductive for people with cardiovascular diseases, since they too have a smaller breathing volume. In allergy sufferers, a mask could even reduce pollen penetration.

Does the mask increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood because the gas cannot be exhaled?

“Breathing air with carbon dioxide can escape on the left and right, but also on the top of the mask,” explains the hygienist Hutter. The inclusion of oxygen and the release of CO2, which arises in the body cells as a waste product of metabolic processes, are the main functions of the respiratory system: Like oxygen is inhaled, carbon dioxide is also excreted via the respiratory tract.

However, the fact that more carbon dioxide is inhaled can be dangerous for brewery or silo work. There is a great risk that the odorless gas will be produced in large quantities. It can be fatal. Too much carbon dioxide in the body is medically called hypercapnia. This can also occur in certain diseases where the CO2 cannot be exhaled sufficiently – the blood becomes acidic.

“With a hypercapnia, carbon dioxide gets into the blood, causes dizziness and affects the cardiovascular system.” That is why masks are not induced when walking, “because the respiratory rate is higher. Hypercapnia is practically impossible in the supermarket. Otherwise a surgeon in the operating room would be under constant acidification of his blood. ”

Which masks are more suitable?

“Wearing a mask has been shown to help reduce the risk of infection.” Specifically: Unknowingly infected people protect their fellow human beings. The medical MNS (e.g. surgical masks) have been tested as medical devices. Normal MNS for private use serves as a mechanical barrier. In addition to the infectious view, plays for Hutter also the social role. “We have no mask tradition.” So if a winking or fashionable statement on a fabric mask contributes to acceptance, he finds it “very ok”.

How does the best mask hygiene work?

As with everything in the medical field, there is also optimal handling for mouth-nose protection masks (MNS). First of all: Stuffing the mask in your trouser or jacket pocket after supermarket shopping is not one of them. Not even to put it under your chin when you don’t need it. “It’s called mouth and nose protection and not chin protection. Or just mouth protection, ”says Hans-Peter Hutter, Hygienist and epidemiologist at MedUni Vienna.

As far as the wearing time is concerned, the moisture content is the measure of all things. This depends on the respective activity. After a maximum of three or four hours, you should replace the MNS with a dry – and clean – that advises Ministry of Health. Dispose of the used mask in the residual waste (do not just throw it on the floor). Cloth masks are washed as soon as possible after use at a minimum of 60 degrees. This safely kills any viruses

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