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Breastfeeding, Julien Odoul and Mila are creating the buzz on Twitter

The social media monitoring platform, Visibrain, unveils the top 3 news that have the most buzzed this week on Twitter.

The most commented on Twitter this week was about breastfeeding in public. The article published on Leparisien.fr, entitled “VIDEO. Why is breastfeeding in public still frowned upon? ‘In our societies, women are not in possession of their bodies’ ”, was shared 37,398 times on the social network. This paper tells the story of Maÿlis, a young mother slapped by another woman in early May because she was breastfeeding her baby. On Twitter, this story is widely shared. Internet users also denounce the company “capable of looking away during an assault or in front of a homeless person but not when a woman is breastfeeding her baby.” Contrary to what one might think, men also feel concerned by the subject since 35% of Internet users who comment on it are men, and their tweets stand out as the most shared. The second most buzzed news this week concerned the Mila affair. The article published on the francetvinfo site. fr, baptized “Mila case: ‘Never in the history of this country, a young girl has received 100,000 hate messages’, underlines her lawyer Richard Malka”, was shared 18,604 times this week. For Internet users on Twitter, Mila is far from being the only prey in the face of hatred. They evoke in particular the names of Mennel, Joan of Arc, Assa Traoré. Finally, the third news that generated the most buzz this week concerned Julien Odoul. The article published as the site Liberation. fr, titled “When the RN Julien Odoul made humor about the suicides of peasants”, has been shared 17,233 times. On Twitter, the reactions are unanimous. Internet users are scandalized by the “unworthy” attitude of the head of the RN list as well as by his “abject” remarks. In addition to the man, the entire political party is singled out. “Cynicism”, “contempt” and “opportunist” are the expressions that come up the most to qualify the RN and its members.

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