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“Breastfeeding and Seafood: Can Nursing Mothers Enjoy Delicious and Nutritious Seafood?”

Can breastfeeding mothers eat delicious and appetizing seafood? Moreover, seafood is a mother’s favorite food before pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Unfortunately, the question of whether breastfeeding mothers can eat seafood has many pros and cons. Especially in Indonesia, ma’am. Some say, seafood can make your little one prone to allergies, and so on.

Wow, isn’t that right? As we know, giving exclusive breastfeeding to your little one has many benefits for both the baby and the mother. Launching from the page Centers for Disease Control dan Prevention (CDC).

Breast milk can provide ideal nutrition for babies, support their growth, and help their growth and development become better. Even so, giving formula milk to continue the nutrition of your little one is still allowed if you have not been able to fully undergo exclusive breastfeeding. So, keep the spirit mom!

However, in the following article, Ibumin will thoroughly discuss whether breastfeeding mothers can eat seafood so that they no longer have wrong perceptions. Come on, see the review!

The benefits of breastfeeding for mother and child

Before discussing further about whether breastfeeding mothers can eat seafood, we will review the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and their babies. Centers for Disease Control dan Prevention such as the following:

  • Helping babies avoid a number of diseases

Breastfeeding can help babies avoid the risks of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). In addition, babies are also less likely to have ear infections and stomachaches.

For mothers, breastfeeding can reduce the risk of developing breast, ovarian, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

  • Breast milk can share antibodies from mother to baby

Breastfeeding mothers are required to maintain their diet, so that the milk they give is full of nutrients and nutrients. This is because, Mother can share antibodies that are used to develop the immune system to her baby.

  • Breastfeeding tends to be more practical

Mothers can breastfeed anywhere and anytime if they use breast milk. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that breast milk be given for at least six months and then the baby can be introduced to complementary foods until the age of 12 months or more.

To get extra benefits from breastfeeding, a mother must also choose foods that are nutrient-dense and balanced. Then, can breastfeeding mothers eat seafood so that their nutrition is fulfilled properly?

Eating fish and seafood while breastfeeding, is it okay?

Launching from the page Very Well Family, seafood can be a balanced and healthy breastfeeding menu, because of its nutritional content. Fish contains high protein, low saturated fat, contains iodine, vitamin D, DHA, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Some of the nutrients contained in fish also seem to be able to help prevent heart disease, and have more contributions to other body health. Not only that, when given to babies through breast milk, nutrients such as DHA which are important for the development of the baby’s nervous system, brain and eyes can also be fulfilled properly.

Even though it has a pretty good content, can breastfeeding mothers eat seafood? Unfortunately, not all seafood can be consumed by breastfeeding mothers. Why is that?

1. Some seafood contains harmful mercury

Mercury is a chemical element that is carried by the air through the burning of coal, oil and wood as the fuel used. It turns out that this mercury can fall from the air to the ground which is carried through rain, dust, or gravity.

Mercury is very toxic and can affect the nervous system, therefore, pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from being exposed to this substance. Exposure to large amounts of mercury can affect brain development and the nervous system of your child’s growing brain.

This mercury content can form in fish when the fish accidentally consumes it. Some seafood that contains high levels of mercury, namely:

  • Sharks (including fins)
  • King mackerel
  • Swordfish
  • Grouper
  • Snapper
  • Marlin fish
  • Mackerel
  • Big eye tuna.

Some of the types of seafood above are quite dangerous if consumed, especially for pregnant and lactating women. It’s better to avoid it, ma’am!

2. Choose seafood that does not contain mercury

What about other types of seafood? Can breastfeeding mothers eat seafood such as squid, shrimp and other types? Still launching from the page Very Well FamilyMothers can still eat seafood with a low mercury content, such as:

  • Salmon
  • They are fish
  • Catfish
  • Sardines
  • Canned tuna
  • Shrimp
  • Shell
  • Crab
  • Squid
  • Lobster.

It seems that breastfeeding mothers are still allowed to consume the list of seafood as above two to three times a week.

3. Eat different seafood every month

You should choose a different type of fish to eat every month. Because if you eat the same fish all the time, the variety of nutrients you get will be limited.

However, when you eat different types of seafood that are safe for breastfeeding mothers with different variations, your body will get other nutrients that are no less important.

4. Pay attention to suggestions for serving or consuming seafood from experts

Can breastfeeding mothers eat seafood as often as possible? Launching from the page Food and Drug Administration (FDA)eating seafood that is recommended for safe pregnant and lactating women is around 8-12 ounces, equivalent to 2-3 servings per week provided that the seafood chosen is low in mercury.

Then, can breastfeeding mothers eat raw seafood such as sushi and the like? Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added that the process of cooking seafood also determines the best nutrients contained in it. Choose healthier cooking methods so that the sodium and cholesterol content in seafood is still within good limits.

Seafood should be cooked until cooked so it tastes more delicious and healthy. Busui must pay attention to this!

5. Get to know the types of food that trigger allergies in your body

Can breastfeeding mothers eat seafood even though they have a history of allergies? Of course not. This will trigger other health problems for both the mother and the baby.

Before deciding to eat seafood, you should first identify which types of seafood can trigger allergies in your body so that you are safer.

6. Choose fresh seafood

Can a nursing mother eat seafood without knowing how to cook it? Eating seafood can not be arbitrary. Because it can cause other reactions in the body.

For example, if the selected seafood is not fresh, it can cause nausea and vomiting. Pay attention again to the characteristics of seafood that are still fresh and fit to eat!

Editor: Aprilia

2023-04-23 03:00:30
#Breastfeeding #Mothers #Eat #Seafood #experts

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