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Breast milk from an ex-corona patient is packed with antibodies

A while ago, the Amsterdam UMC called for donating breast milk after a (possible) corona infection because it contains antibodies against the virus. New research now confirms this and shows that breast milk is full of antibodies against it. Good news, because that means that the milk can be used as a preventive medicine. This reports NRC.

Human milk contains IgA antibodies, according to research by the Amsterdam UMC, the Free University and the University of Amsterdam. In particular, these can survive in mucous membranes and fight corona infection because they recognize the virus and stick to its protuberance. The researchers saw in 29 mothers with a proven corona background that their milk contained more than 80 percent of antibodies.

Antibodies remain present for a long time

According to research leader Hans van Goudoever of the Emma Children’s Hospital in the Amsterdam UMC, the antibodies remain in the breast milk for up to six months. “They also come on quickly: we see them back in the milk two weeks after the first symptoms of the disease.”

Not only can a breastfeeding mother protect her baby against the coronavirus if possible, but the elderly can also benefit from it in a different way. To make it a protective medicine, enough milk is needed. Van Goudoever previously calculated that ten thousand liters are needed to develop a medicine.

By: Nationale Zorggids

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