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Breast Cancer: Understanding the Disease, Risk Factors, and Early Detection Methods

breast cancer It is the number one most common cancer in women. Current statistics show 30-40 people per 100,000 people, found in more women than men. It is found in only 1% of cancers in men. And it is most common between the ages of 45-50 years. The cause of the disease is still not clear. It is thought to be caused by many reasons including genetics. and other abnormalities that occur spontaneously later

Dr. Chutinan Watcharakul, a specialist in diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology of the breast. Diagnostic radiology department Nawawet Hospital Provide knowledge about breast cancer How to examine the breast and the benefits and advantages ofBreast screening That will allow you to know whether you have a chance or risk of having breast cancer or not.

Risk factors

1. History of breast or ovarian cancer in a close relative, including mother, older sister, or younger sister.

2. Have been diagnosed with breast cancer before.

3. Have a history of abnormal genes (Gene mutations), including the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

4. Women who have no children or who had their first while over 30 years old.

5. Women who have had early menstrual periods (before age 12) and late menopause (after age 55) or have been using hormone replacement therapy for more than 10 years.

6. Have you ever had radiation therapy on your chest area?

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Abnormalities that should be seen by a doctor immediately

1. A lump can be felt in the breast or armpit area.

2. The head is soft, bumped or has wounds and scabs.

3. Skin changes such as sunkenness, thickening, redness, or discoloration.

4. The breast has changed in size or shape.

5. There is blood or fluid coming out of the nipple.

6. There are wounds that are difficult to heal around the breast and nipple.

In fact, until such abnormality is found The lump is usually large or spread. causing treatment to be delayed longer than it should be Therefore, screening is very necessary. For detecting cancer at very small early stages or have not yet shown symptoms

Breast examination guidelines

1. Breast examinationBy yourself once a month when age > 20 years.

2. Have your breasts examined by a doctor every 3 years from the age of 20 onwards. After the age of 40, they should be examined every 1 year.

3. A mammogram and/or ultrasound should be done, starting at age 35-40 and annually after age 40 onwards.

4. If there is a history of first-degree relatives having breast or ovarian cancer Testing should be started 5 years earlier than the age of diagnosis in relatives.

How to do a breast self-examination

1. Check every month. By checking after 7-10 days of menstruation, from the first day of menstruation. and check during the same period every month Because at this time the breasts become less engorged. The chance of error is reduced as well.

2. Stand in front of a mirror to see changes in both breasts, including size, shape, nipples, and skin texture.

3. Lift both arms above your head and slowly turn to look to the side.

4. Use your hands, feet, waist and lean forward.

5. Use your fingers to squeeze the nipple gently to see if there is any water, blood, or pus coming out.

6. Begin to feel the breast in a standing position. Using your left hand to examine your right breast, use 3 fingers, including your index finger. Middle finger and ring finger gently press down on the skin all over the breast to the armpit. After that, change and feel the other side in the same way.

breast examination

1. Mammogram is a special type of radiological examination similar to an X-ray. Start doing it at age 35-40 years in asymptomatic cases. And every year when people are over 40 years old, it is used to check for small lumps, tartar, and breast traction.

2. Ultrasound is an examination using high frequency sound waves. Can be checked at every age. Can examine lumps, cysts, milk ducts, and lymph nodes. This will be checked in conjunction with a mammogram in patients over 40 years of age, but it cannot replace a mammogram because it cannot see tartar.

3. MRI is done in high-risk cases. The breast is very dense. or abnormalities detected from mammograms and ultrasounds before

4. Biopsy When breast abnormalities are detected The doctor will consider sending for pathological examination. By using a needle to take the biopsy through a localization tool, including an ultrasound machine. or mammogram To drill correctly and accurately

Advantages of 3D mammography

High quality, sharper

increase accuracy And the high resolution, sharpness makes it possible to clearly identify the location of breast abnormalities. and is more accurate in diagnosis

It hurts less.

Breast compression pads that are curved according to the shape of the breast. Thus reducing pressure on the breast, making it feel more comfortable and less painful. The compression time is less than 1 minute. It depends on the size and density of each person’s breast tissue.

When there is no retake Reduces the inspection time. and reduce the number of times receiving radiation doses for service recipients Receive a dose of radiation that is not more than necessary.

Detected faster

Detect more and smaller breast cancers This allows doctors to provide treatment at an early stage. Therefore, there is a higher chance of being cured and surviving.


Mammograms actually use X-rays. But the amount of radiation received when doing a mammogram each time is very small (the average amount of radiation received during a mammogram is approximately 0.4 milliSeverts, if the comparison is easier to understand. This amount is equivalent to approximately 7 weeks of radiation received from our surroundings in our daily lives) and there are standards to control it to a safe amount. Therefore, patients do not have to worry. Regarding the cause of cancer from testing

Preparation before examination

1. Do not apply lotion. deodorant or loose powder on the chest and under the armpits Because it will affect the X-ray picture.

2. There is no need to abstain from water or food.

3. Appropriate time for inspection It’s the period after menstruation ends. Because this is the time when the breasts are not swollen much, it doesn’t hurt and it is a time when abnormalities can easily be found.

4. In the case of changing the testing service location Film or examination results should also be used for comparison.

Interpreting mammogram or ultrasound results

It is a result of the risk of becoming breast cancer, translated into BI-RADS 1-6 to make it easier for doctors to track and care for each group of patients. Not the disease stage

1 means no abnormalities were found. Breast cancer screening should be followed up every year.

2 means something abnormal was found. But there is a low risk of breast cancer. Should be monitored every year.

3 means something abnormal was found. But there is less than a 2% risk of developing breast cancer. They should be closely monitored every 6 months.

4 means something abnormal was found. suspicious The risk of having breast cancer is 3-95%. Should be diagnosed with additional biopsies.

5 means something abnormal was found. There is a relatively high risk of breast cancer. Should be diagnosed with additional biopsies.

6 means that the biopsy has been diagnosed as cancer.

“The best protection. It is about detection and treatment as quickly as possible.”

2023-10-22 05:00:00

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