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Breast cancer screening campaign announced

Under the slogan “Mammograms in Times of COVID”, the III Goyeneche hospital announces the preventive campaign for breast cancer screening, aimed at the entire female population aged 40 to 65, to combat this terrible disease early.

The campaign will last for the duration of the pandemic, for which interested persons should call from Monday to Friday, cell phone 987172097 from 08:00 to 12:00 hours, to make an appointment at the Prevention and Control office. Cancer, from the Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy.

Oncologist Luis Ángel López Cornejo, coordinator of the Strategic Program for Cancer Prevention and Control, specified that only 5 appointments will be provided a day, in order not to saturate the service and not expose users to the contagion of Covid-19.

The co-responsible for this campaign, Obstetrician Antonieta Urquizo, pointed out that it is important for women to perform a breast self-examination from 18 years of age, since breast cancer occupies the first place in maternal deaths in Peru and it is necessary detect it in time.

“Actually, it is advisable to perform a breast self-examination from 18 or 20 years of age, where the breasts have reached their development. But, we take advantage of the first menstruation between 13 or 14 years of age, to talk with adolescents about breast self-examination and form a habit that can save their lives, “he said.

The main objective of this important activity will be to improve the availability of screening, optimize early diagnosis and, above all, provide timely treatment to positive cases; In this way, together we will reduce morbidity and mortality from breast cancer in the city of Arequipa.


  • Being of advanced age.
  • First menstruation at an early age.
  • Advanced age at the time of the first delivery or never having had children.
  • Family history of breast cancer.
  • Consume hormones estrogen and progesterone.
  • In 5-10% of cases, breast cancer is caused by inherited genetic mutations.

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