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Breast cancer represents 86% of cancer cases in Venezuela

They give off part of their femininity since they seek relief with chemotherapies that knock down their hair, some go to the extreme of sacrificing a breast and only take strength of faith to continue believing in life. It is the reflection of those women who suffer from breast cancer that add up to about 48,160 of the approximate 56 thousand nationwide, what represents 86%, according to Venezuela Cancer Patients Foundation (Fundapov).

Within the framework of Day of the Fight Against Breast Cancer held on October 19, patients recall the serious crisis they are going through by not having a health system that allows them to receive free specialized care, which is an obligation of the State.

A fight that also drags the family with the double concern for the health of the relative and to get the money for a minimum of $ 100 for a medical check-up, more than $ 400 to secure chemotherapy cycles and up to $ 3,000 for radiation therapy sessions, which is only insured on the public network in Caracas, Maracaibo and Cumaná.

It is not about carelessness in the check-up, but about that almost impossible mission that leads to a marathon race that leads them to sell goods, ask for collaborations and cry out for help to relatives or friends who are abroad.

Testimonies of patients who cannot bear this forced exit to private care when access to chemotherapies is difficult, knowing that only the Antonio María Pineda Hospital or the Seguro Pastor Oropeza are limited to those treated in these centers. But when they reach the radiation therapy phase, they feel that they lose that momentum, having to locate by all means an endless list of expenses that range from $ 40 for the consultation, $ 45 for mammography, $ 30 for breast echoes and $ 50 for laboratory tests. .

Those expenses that cannot be covered on multiple occasions, increase the cases of death from this cause. According to figures who handles the Venezuela Anticancer Society, 2800 women lose the battle a year, in the same period about 7 thousand receive the diagnosis.

Fernando Gomez, director of the Barquisimeto Anticancer Society, points out that they are working to repair radiotherapy equipment, which has been inoperative for 4 years due to damage to the motherboard. It indicates that it was one of the cheapest options to undergo this type of cancer treatment and could be available by the end of 2021.

It recognizes that optimism of patients, both men and women, to be able to follow up after the diagnosis. A tour that already comes with laboratory and specialized tests, biopsies, chemotherapy cycles, surgical interventions and radiotherapies to finish neutralizing cancer cells.

When Milagros Seijas, president of the Fundapov, points out the poor accessibility to public health, as there is not a complete supply of high-cost drugs from Social Security and devices in health centers that allow compliance with chemotherapies and radiotherapies. The economic situation with a minimum salary that does not reach $ 2, that patients usually stop working and even with raffles it is not possible to reach an increasingly distant goal, because expenses increase in each phase of treatment.

Challenge to live

Even though God gave me this cross, I accept it“, Whispers in a breathy voice Francys amaro, who of her 54 years has been the last two in resistance against breast cancer. He assumes as a blessing what he has been able to gather with vintages, raffles, selling electrical appliances and with the valuable collaboration of his fellow church members and those close to him who are outside the country.

He was able to comply with his 8 chemotherapies in 2020, without the greatest support from Social Security, since of 4 medications that he deserved, only one was donated and with certain drugs that can reach $ 200. “For God’s sake, I was fortunate that the surgeon referred me to Pastor Oropeza, because in private he had to place a budget of $ 2,500“She sighs as she admits that the expense was reduced to $ 400 for the supply list and she had the left breast mastectomy performed.

She is grateful for the support she has had from foundations, allowing care with more solidarity costs. Because it is an exclusive dedication that every 3 months requires consultations with mastologists, oncologists and even with the evaluation of the radiotherapy specialist, whose consultation does not lower than $ 50. He pauses in silence, takes a deep breath, and points out that just a full-body MRI is estimated at $ 450.

She lives in the Cambural hamlet, in Yaritagua, and it is her turn to carry out her control in Barquisimeto. Her list starts from searching for tickets and even asking friends for “posada”, because the income from the sale of grains or the exotic flowers grown by her husband is not enough. “We cannot expect anything from the Government. They don’t and it’s our fight“, dice.

They have to move, that’s how they define that almost miraculous way of opening fundraising campaigns, ending up practically finishing up blenders or dinnerware sets, in addition to taking advantage of a wood-fired soup at the time. Any incentive counts, while still clinging to God’s mercy for continuing to open the paths of recovery, those full of obstacles for unattainable amounts.

Some have already recovered their hair, that lost due to chemotherapies and continue in this process of adaptation to the loss of a breast. They look in the mirror and see a woman full of life.

It would be a relief with radiotherapies

Capital District, Zulia and Sucre are the destinations that study cancer patients from Lara in search of the application of radiotherapies in the public health system.

Options that beyond the physical distance, involve the expenses of transfers, lodging and even food.

A fact that almost leads them to depression when they face amounts in private centers that exceed $ 2,000 and with the time measured, so specific that it can be in a period of 5 weeks, so as not to lose the effect of the surgical intervention, according to each patient.

I was investigating for Cumaná, but my hopes were dashed when I learned that they could process my case, only if it was about both breasts.“Laments Diosy Mendoza, who still has a little swollen where her right breast was, before they intervened to remove the 1.9-centimeter tumor of malignant nodes. In August 2021, she was operated on at the Antonio María Pineda Central Hospital in Barquisimeto.

She received the La Prensa team at her home, located on Las Industrias Avenue. On the table was his large-volume folder for that pile of medical examinations, which even resembles the dimensions of a court file. “It is very difficult to raise more than $ 2,000 for radiation therapy sessions. There have already been many expenses“, He complains and points out that taking into account what he should have for transfers to another entity can be practically the same and imply more wear and tear on the organism of the cancer patient.

He regrets and reaches the tone of resignation, pointing out that “How is it possible that there are free options in other entities and in Lara it is limited to the private one“. They feel that there is no government that protects them to be able to extend their life.

A challenge that is ignored, as they flow their tears in the face of the psychological impact that they must control in order not to fall into depression. “I ask God a lot, as well as to give strength to my relatives“Is the cry of this 52-year-old woman.

They assume courage from faith, rather than stumbling, they have the will to be able to comply with all their medical control and in the anticipated periods to avoid adverse reactions or complications. They cherish every second of your life.

It is difficult for them to find inputs

When Diosy Mendoza, who has been dealing with breast cancer for a year, talks about the budget and laments that even getting the interventions in hospitals like María Pineda or Seguro Pastor Oropeza, they must get between $ 400 to $ 600 in supplies. A collection that includes even biosafety equipment for medical personnel.

It is a blessing to remove the tumor and save in hospitals, but it is still necessary to continue raising money“, Points out that additional cost that includes up to $ 80 in biopsies and $ 90 in the immunohistochemical study, the results of which will be evaluated by the radiotherapies specialist and said consultation is $ 50, to determine how many sessions will correspond. Then they should undergo a surgical castration, with the extraction of ovaries due to the alteration with so much administration of hormones.

Her tears are no longer painful, she has passed the chemotherapies, the intervention and she is sure that the radiotherapy will begin.

With information from Lara’s Press

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