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Breast cancer, a pandemic for women in Oaxaca

In Oaxaca, only one out of every 100 women goes to the clinical breast examination once a year, especially when presenting some discomfort or on medical recommendation.

According to the Oaxaca health authorities, the rate of women who voluntarily decide to go to this study is very low in the state, as is the self-examination that must be carried out after 20 years of age.

The need to carry out these practices periodically is due to the fact that in the entity breast cancer is the second cause of death from cancer in women, after cervical cancer.

Dependencies such as the ISSSTE point out that self-examination should be carried out from 20 years of age, clinical examination by one or a health professional from 25 years of age and mammography in groups of 40-49 years (low risk ) and 50 to 69 years (high risk).

For self-examination, the IMSS explained that women in front of the mirror should look for changes in the shape, size or surface of the skin; especially sagging, swelling, redness, or ulceration.

This procedure should be done with the arms at the sides, “the hands behind the head, the elbows and shoulders slightly forward and with the hands on the waist”.

Later, also in front of the mirror or during the bath, they should look for small balls, painful areas, lumps or a different consistency from the rest of the breast.

When standing, women should put their right hand on the nape of the neck and with the left touch the right breast. “It starts from the top, feeling around the breast and then in the center.” “Then he checks the entire armpit and finally squeezes the nipple to see if there is abnormal fluid leakage.”

Women should be examined 7 days after menstruation or if they no longer menstruate, do it on a fixed day of the month. “If you forgot to do it on the scheduled date, do it when you remember; the most important thing is to do it periodically, to know what is normal and how the breasts feel depending on the period of the month, age or certain circumstances such as pregnancy, ”the Institute highlighted.

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