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Breakup of love for Maarten Spanjer | history

Maarten Spanjer lives as single again. And that while he seemed to have found great happiness with Monique Waterham! Before meeting Monique, Maarten was never too keen on serious relationships. He has had short-lived love affairs with, among others, Dien Jongbloed – the ex-wife of former pro football player Jan Jongbloed – and actress Lyda van Leersum. But Monique seemed to be the first woman to tame him.

Fear of marriage

As much in love as he was, Maarten was very certain that they would never crown their happiness with a letter of butter. Due to the loveless marriage of his parents and the difficult relationship with his mother, he struggled with the fear of marriage. After being together for more than ten years, Maarten and Monique are no longer a couple. In his book The art of letting go he writes that it was not always peace and tranquility. According to him, they have maintained a “relationship with the Derrick platform”. “I mean, four months later, four months out. Since we weren’t living together, we could easily walk out of each other’s house after an argument and say nothing on our part until one of us let go of his pride and picked up the phone to make up for it. So we could continue drilling for a few more months. ‘ Maarten did not want to delve into the break with Monique in Story. “It’s about nonsense and relationships that turn on or off. I don’t feel like it anymore. ‘

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