Having an emotional relationship with food makes you fat! Here’s how to stop emotional hunger and improve your relationship with food.
Disappointments in love, worries at work or in the family, dissatisfaction: many times these events can lead to seeking satisfaction and consolation in food. In this way an emotional relationship with food is established which however, in the long run, can be detrimental to one’s ideal weight.
This is because we try to stop emotional hunger almost always with junk foods that can affect our body, making us gain weight. Luckily There are tricks to stop to have an emotional relationship with food and therefore lose weight immediately and without dieting.
The trick to stop the emotional relationship with food and lose weight again
To improve your physical and mental health, it is important to improve your relationship with food. Often, in fact, one seeks comfort or reward in foodand this is wrong.
The trick to stop the emotional relationship with food and lose weight again – pourfemme.it
According to Dr. Aria Campbell-Daneshbehavioral psychologist specializing in weight management, we often eat to change the way we feel. He also adds: “We are more motivated to eat if we are sad, angry and bored, or as a reward”. In reality, this is precisely where a mistake is made, because this emotional relationship with food can be very harmful to the mind and body.
The doctor explains that the human appetite is designed to regulate the amount of food that the body needs, however the constant advertising of junk and sugar-rich foods sends everyone out of control and it becomes difficult to make informed choices. The busy lifestyle doesn’t help either. The doctor says: “We skip meals, eat in the car and make a sandwich while checking email. All this helps to overeat.”
Menopause and perimenousa, due to hormonal changes, can be other times when you may eat more than you need. In short, we need to say enough to this morbid relationship with food and reconnect to our body’s natural appetite system.
According to the doctor, it is essential to be able to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full, so as not to eat too much. Strategies for doing so they are different:
start eating three meals and one or two snacks a dayincrease your consumption of fibre, which helps eliminate toxins and increase satiety. The foods richest in fiber are: wholemeal pasta, whole grains, dark leafy vegetables, brown rice and tomatoes. Make peace with healthy fats, Omega 3, contained in salmon, walnuts, avocado, coconut and olives.
And when you want something sweet and unhealthy to satisfy your palate and find consolation, better to opt for healthy alternatives, to promote the slow release of energy and prevent glycemic spikes in the blood. Healthy and easy to prepare snacks can be: some bread with mashed avocado, a poached egg with smoked salmon, a sliced apple with a spoonful of nut butter, a Greek yogurt enriched with fresh fruit.
In short, there are several strategies to avoid the emotional relationship with food and resume eating only when you are really hungrypreferring healthy and balanced foods, which help you stay fit without dieting.
2023-10-27 05:01:09
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