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Breaking the system: Einav Galili and Nadav Eyal still do not live up to expectations

What caught the eye in particular were the promos. They promised a “new plan”, and in the presentation of two particularly interesting people – on the one hand, Nadav Eyal, one of the most prominent journalists in Israel today; And on the other hand, Einav Galili – once a serial narrator and presenter of satire programs, today someone who is growing up as a publicist at the time of Mitzvah and a panel member in “Meet the Press”.

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In the same promo for the program with the catchy name “Einav and Nadav”, which aired yesterday (Thursday) on Keshet – the two new presenters threw a metaphor: they talked about how when you have vision problems, you need an optometrist – and according to the same metaphor, they will be our optometrists – Those who will help us understand a little better the chaotic reality, the post 7.10 and the war.

To what extent was this promise realized in the first show? I’m not sure. The inevitable feeling from watching the first program is that there is more of the same here – Einav Galili and Nadav Eyal, despite their talent and abilities, continue a strip that was founded at the end of the first week of the war – the one where Abri Gilad and Erez Tal were thrown into the studio, and where they were supposed to do their magic. The place on the broadcast schedule was the strip “Light Night” – a night program, which comes after the prime time program (“Ovda”, “Great Country” or “People cook things and cry”), and is intended to make a sort of daily summary of the news up to here.

“Erez and Avery” were so successful that clones were immediately born to them – from experiments with Eyal Kitsis and Lucy Ayoub, through Ofira Assig and Mayan Adam, to the strip that has been broadcast on Thursdays until now – the one that connected Yair Sharky with Haim Levinson before he went on to become Ofira’s barco. In all of them it was possible to find quite a few similarities – the set is the news studio, alternating reporters who tell what’s new, and here and there some kind of interview designed to bring added value in the studio.

“Einav and Nadav” (screenshot: Keshet 12)

At the same time, each of the presenters also brought something of his own – Sharkey brought something more moderate and unifying, Vinson the aggression and aggressiveness, Avery Gilad his extreme worldview. What do Galili and El bring to the screen? There is no brilliance here in terms of the format. It’s mostly the tone. Einav and Nadav came to be a little more distant from the situation, a little less belligerent or mobilized. They even allow themselves to throw a smile or a wink.

Another difference is the type of guests – there were no politicians on the guest list, at least not in the first program. Who were they? Sedara of News 12 journalists (Nitzan Shapira, Dafna Lial, Yona Leivzon) and then a senior member of the Shin Bet and a historian, and finally a professor of psychology who spoke with Einav and Nadav about decision-making. That is, there is definitely a deviation from the norm in these current affairs programs – including an attempt to discuss the roots of the problems Are the eliminations effective, for example.

It would certainly have been welcome, if not for the feeling that there was something terribly crowded about the show. It lasted 36 minutes in total. The day before, Avery and Sharkey broadcast for 44 minutes net. Maybe it’s the lengthening of the special in “Ovda” or just mismanagement of time, but there is a feeling that it was too little compared to what Galili and Eyal can bring to the screen and certainly not enough to go as deep as they can. An item on the subject of China that was promised at the beginning of the program, for example, was pushed from the lineup and did not appear during it.

“Einav and Nadav” (screenshot: Keshet 12)

Eyal certainly brings another added value – and that is his journalistic understanding, almost as an interviewee in the program by Galili who asked the questions. He’s very good at explaining and making complex issues accessible, and it’s definitely a good idea to have a show that provides viewers with a little factual background to what’s going on. But if Galili was supposed to bring something a little more empathetic or entertaining to the screen, at least in the first program it has not yet come to light. Something in the division of duties will have to be tightened next time for the business to work.

And yes, it is clear that Galili Vail should be given the grace of a new program in its first broadcast, which went on the air while being organized as is customary in the amateur current affairs industry, and it is possible to discount the rather crazy day in which it appeared, with the rumors of a major war on the way. This probably also affected the nature of the program. But at least on the level of the first impression, the feeling is that the talk of a “new program” was a bit exaggerated. In the end, this is another current affairs program – one of many that Sheshet 12 produces against the background of the war. The long-term test for Einav and Nadav will be if they manage to break the system. To give people something that is truly beyond another program that deals with news. The expectation from them is to give something wider and deeper and waiting. In the meantime, it must be admitted, expectations were disappointed.
>> “Einav and Nadav”, every Thursday after “Ovda”, Keshet 12

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