At least since Kamala Harris it has been clear: the time of the “old, white men” who call the shots in politics is over. More and more young women are in the front row when it comes to social and (environmental) political upheavals: Greta Thunberg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Svetlana Tichanovskaya. This is new and makes the filmmaker Carolin Genreith ask herself how her own political commitment actually stands and which women of her generation in Germany herald this turning point.
Young female politicians in Germany
Aminata Touré speaks at the federal party conference of the Greens.
For a year she accompanies four young politicians, whom she would have liked to have had as role models in her youth: Aminata Touré, the first black female vice-president in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament, and that at the age of just 26. Gyde Jensen, who, two weeks after the birth of her first child, is again heading the Human Rights Committee in the Bundestag. Laura Isabelle Marisken, one of the youngest mayors in Germany, who pushed a CDU man out of office without a party and is now doing local politics on Usedom, coming from Berlin. And Terry Reintke, who is fighting against Brexit in the EU Parliament with emotional and committed politics.
The film portrays political players who will help shape the future in Germany and the EU in the years to come. He moves back and forth between the different protagonists, draws fine lines between Brussels, Usedom, Kiel and Berlin and delivers a wide range of universal and big themes, packed in personal and intimate moments with the four strong and very different women.
2023-05-24 00:38:42
#Young #female #politicians