Home » today » Entertainment » BREAKING Sevil Shhaideh, former Minister of Development, acquitted in Belina case / Decision in first instance

BREAKING Sevil Shhaideh, former Minister of Development, acquitted in Belina case / Decision in first instance

Former Minister of Development Sevil Shhaideh was acquitted in the Belina case on Thursday, according to the court minutes consulted by G4Media. The decision was handed down by the Bucharest Tribunal and can be appealed. Adrian Gădea, at that time president of the County Council, was also acquitted.

The Bucharest court acquitted Sevil Shhaideh on the grounds that “the deed is not provided by criminal law or was not committed with the guilt provided by law.”

  • UPDATE 20.00 Liviu Dragnea, on Facebook: “Sevil Shhaideh, one of the best ministers Romania has had in the last 30 years, was finally acquitted in the Belina island case, together with Ionela Stoian, Adrian Ionuț Gădea, Mariana Gheorghiu and Rodica Gușă. The case was tried for 5 years! 5 years of going to DNA and courts, 5 years of manipulating public opinion, 5 years of lying, just because he was “close to Liviu Dragnea”, as the anti-corruption prosecutors said then. Who will be responsible for the 5 years of concerted action to destroy the image, health and lives of innocent people? ”


On January 25, a DNA prosecutor demanded that former Minister Sevil Shhaideh be sentenced to an environmentally punishable sentence for abuse of office, in a corruption case involving the transfer of Belina Island from state ownership to Teleorman County and administration of Teleorman County Council. In the case of the crime of abuse of office, the law provides for a sentence of 2 to 7 years. We remind you that the island of Belina had become the fief of the former PSD leader Liviu Dragnea.

The sitting prosecutor argued that Servil Shaidehh’s violation of the law had caused prejudice and distrust in state institutions.

Prosecutors claim that in 2013, through the concerted action of public officials, parts of Belina Island and Pavel Arm, located in the minor Danube riverbed, illegally passed from state ownership to Teleorman County property and administration of Teleorman County Council, and after only a few days the two properties, with an area of ​​278.78 hectares and, respectively, 45 hectares, were also illegally rented to Tel Drum, for the transfer of ownership being adopted GD 943/2013, an individual act by which a number of legal provisions have been violated.

According to investigators, Belina Island and Braţul Pavel, being located in the minor Danube riverbed, are part of the public domain of the state by the effect of the law and the Constitution, so they could not be transferred to a County Council by government decision, but only by law.

Belina’s business was revealed in May 2017 by a series of surveys published on HotNews.ro under the signature of Dan Tăpălagă and Marian Păvălasc.

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