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Breaking news … What was the number of cases and loss of life? November 21 coronavirus picture | Video

Daily Turkey Coronavirus Table, “is covid19.saglik.gov.t” was shared by the address.

According to current data, 152 thousand 214 Kovid-19 tests were carried out in the last 24 hours, 5 thousand 532 people were diagnosed with the disease. 135 people died in the last 24 hours, with the completion of the Kovid-19 treatment of 3 thousand 233 people, the number of those who recovered rose to 370 thousand 825.

The total number of tests reached 17 million 90 thousand 101. The number of patients was 440 thousand 805, the number of deaths was 12 thousand 219, the number of serious patients was 4 thousand 121, the number of active patients was 57 thousand 761.

According to weekly data, this week, the rate of pneumonia in patients is 3.8 percent, the bed occupancy rate is 54.7 percent, the adult intensive care occupancy rate is 70.8 percent, the ventilator occupancy rate is 37.6 percent, the average contact detection time is 11 hours, and the radiation rate. It was recorded as 99.6 percent.

“Unity is the strength of struggle”

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca shared the following on the data from his Twitter account:

“There are 5 thousand 532 new patients detected today. The number of our serious patients and our losses are hurting. It is to obey the rules and measures that will reduce our losses. The power of struggle is to be united. Give strength.”

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