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Breaking news … The shocking event! “I found myself looking for a wife!” – News

Antalyaretired taxi driver Bahtiyar Doğan, ’65 years old, wrote in 2017 on the back window of his car. I am retired, I have a house, I have a car. I was looking for a wife for months with the declaration of ‘I am looking for a wife who fears Allah suitable for my age’. Explaining that he has been single for 16 years and found this method to find the sultan of his heart, Doğan met with Güler G., who was looking for him in 2018. The couple later decided to marry and sat on the wedding table on August 12, 2018.


According to the report in DHA, Bahtiyar Doğan said that Güler G. made many financial requests after the wedding and had difficulty in meeting many of them. Explaining that he wants Güler G. to be friends only, Doğan was left alone again 32 days after getting married. Allegedly, Guler G. left Bahtiyar Dogan, saying that he would go to visit a relative living in Fethiye, Muğla. Speaking on the phone with G., who went to Fethiye, Doğan went to Fethiye to meet later, but Güler G. did not want to meet him without giving a reason.

He wants to divorce an agreement

Explaining that he has not been able to meet with Güler G., who has been officially seen as his wife, for 2 years, Bahtiyar Doğan stated that he has spent many months trying to get married and has now made efforts to divorce his wife. Stating that he had met with lawyers to divorce, but that a one-sided lawsuit was filed, Doğan said that Güler G. was not warm about the negotiated divorce.


Explaining that everyone is trying to get married and that he is trying to get a divorce, Doğan said, “I beg Allah to divorce this woman. At least I want to save my surname from him. I can not find him. He said, “If I open a divorce case, I am waiting to request compensation from me. I was looking for a wife.” Dogan added that he is looking for a lawyer to support and divorce himself.


Güler G., who was contacted by phone, said that she did not want to make a statement and that her only addressee was Bahtiyar Doğan.

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