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Breaking News! Pertamina Oil Refinery in Cilacap Burns : Okezone News

JAKARTA – One of Pertamina’s tanks containing benzene on fire in the Cilacap Refinery area, Central Java, at 19.45 WIB.

Area Manager Communication, Relations, & CSR RU IV Cilacap – Sub Holding Refining & Petrochemical Pertamina, Hatim Ilwan said, until now his party still did not know the cause of the fire in one of the refineries.

“The cause of the fire is still unknown,” Hatim said in a statement, Friday (11/6/2021).

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At this time, Hatim said, his party was still trying to extinguish the remaining fire in the bundwall area.

“Efforts to cool down are still being carried out to prevent the fire from reoccurring,” he continued.

He said, efforts to extinguish the fire were carried out by spraying foam towards the hotspots. “A total of 50 firefighters were dispatched to deal with the fire,” he concluded.

Please note, the Cilacap Refinery is one of 6 Pertamina refineries, and has a processing capacity of 270 thousand barrels per day. This refinery has about 200 tanks to accommodate crude to be processed, gas and fuel from crude oil processing.

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