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Breaking news New cautionary decisions for 65 and over in Ankara, Bursa Kastamonu and Kütahya

In the capital Ankara, remarkable decisions were made against the coronavirus epidemic. In the statement made by the Ankara Governorship, “It was decided to restrict our citizens aged 65 and over who have chronic illnesses from entering areas such as weddings, funerals, condolences, market places, social activities, etc. in the city.” The statement said.

In addition, it was decided that the maximum duration of weddings in street weddings should be 2 hours and mass meals should be prohibited.

It was decided to create “Neighborhood Control Teams” within the Outbreak Control Centers, and to ensure that these teams follow the people identified and quarantined in their neighborhoods one-on-one.

On the other hand, it was decided to make partitioning with fiberglass between the driver’s seat and the passengers in taxis, minibuses and public transportation vehicles.


Within the scope of the measures related to the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) epidemic in Bursa, it was reported that the restriction decision taken on August 15 for citizens aged 65 and over was canceled and a new regulation was made.

In the statement made by the Governor’s Office, it was announced by the Provincial Hygiene Board that the previous decision was canceled as a result of the evaluations of citizens aged 65 and over.

In the statement, it was stated that people in this group were prohibited from using public transportation between 08.00-10.00 and 16.30-19.30.


In the statement, it was also stated that the said people were decided to be in the district bazaar and market places between 08.00-14.00 hours, which are not crowded, and to ban their entry to the street market and market places outside of this time period.

“The prohibition of our citizens aged 65 and over (except the first and second degree relatives of the bride, groom and circumcision child) from participating in events such as weddings, engagement ceremonies, and circumcision ceremonies; banning them from participating in mawlid and prayer ceremonies after funeral and circumcision ceremonies; participating in social activities and crowded organizations and banning entry to places such as cinemas, concerts, theaters, show centers, shopping malls, bazaars and other shopping places (such as hypermarkets, technology and construction markets) between 08.00-14.00 hours, banning entry at other hours; sports centers, sports facilities and sports It has been decided to ban team and contact sports, recreational matches (such as football, basketball, volleyball, taekwondo, wrestling, karate) or to participate in training and activities that require close contact with each other as an individual athlete and as a spectator in all sports competitions. “

In the statement, it was also shared that people aged 65 and over will be exempted from these decisions, provided that they document that they are still actively working in a workplace.


In Kastamonu, the Provincial Sanitation Board imposed restrictions on the entrance of 65 years old and over to the market places by public transport, and it was decided that the weddings held in the villages should be held for no more than 3 hours, provided that citizens aged 65 and over who are not first-degree relatives attend.

Kastamonu Provincial Hygiene Board convened under the chairmanship of Governor Avni Çakır. After the meeting, the decisions taken by the Board within the scope of corona virus measures were announced. Accordingly, the decisions taken are as follows:

“In the controlled social life period we are in, it is essential to comply with the precautions in order to effectively continue the fight against the corona virus epidemic. At the current stage, a new period has entered, where early detection, home isolation and home treatment processes are at the forefront and the measures to be taken will be shaped according to these priorities. Guidance, persuasiveness and deterrence principles gained importance in the activities to be carried out in this new period. In order to protect public health and control the Covid-19 epidemic, it is possible to protect the health of our citizens aged 65 and over who are in the risk group within the scope of Article 11 / C of the Provincial Administration Law and Articles 27 and 72 of the Public Health Law. Restricting the use of public transportation between 10.00 and 17.00-20.00, restricting their entrance to the neighborhood markets established in our city after 16.00 from 17 August, weddings held in our city, those who are in the risk group aged 65 and over and among those with chronic illness, only the bride and groom The restrictions on the participation of people other than their relatives and grandparents, grandmothers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts and aunts as of August 17, weddings in villages or streets (including getting a bride, henna, etc.), engagement, circumcision wedding, etc. The duration of the activities within the same day at 08.00 at the earliest, and at most 3 hours between 22.00 at the latest, to disinfect the personnel and school bus vehicles every time, to have the persons seated in the same seats for each time The planning of the session is hung in a place that can be seen in the vehicle, ensuring that our citizens stay in isolation until the Covid-19 test result is released, people need to stay in isolation by calling their workplaces or institutions or sending a text message, workplaces and institutions do not employ these people, and health institutions It was decided to inform law enforcement units if it is determined that the persons who should be in isolation are working. “


In Kütahya, some restrictions were imposed on those aged 65 and over as part of the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) measures.

In the statement made by the governor’s office, it was reported that the Provincial Hygiene Board convened under the chairmanship of Governor Ali Çelik in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic and to protect the citizens.

In the statement, which stated that it is of great importance to protect citizens over the age of 65 from the epidemic in the fight against coronavirus, “With the transition to a controlled social life period, it has been determined that the number of cases and contact persons over 65 years of age has increased. Considering the possibility of additional chronic diseases in this age group, the effects of the disease are more. watch can be heavy. our city on Turkey’s average rate of the elderly population, citizens over 13 years of age is 65 per cent in order to reduce the likelihood of infection was required to take certain decisions. ” statements were included.

The statement recorded:

“Gazi Kemal District, where citizens are concentrated, Cumhuriyet Caddesi (Love Road), Balıklı Mahallesi Kıbrıs Street, Tahıl Pazarı Street, Saman Pazarı Street, Çemberciler Street, Pekmezpazarı Street (Samanpazarı), Paşam Sultan Mahallesi Hisarlı Ahmet Caddesi (Ulu Mosque), Mecidiye Mahallesi Taşköprü Street, Government Street, Crossbahçe Street (around Yeşil Cami), Servi Mahallesi Atatürk Boulevard (Eskişehir Yolu Caddesi), citizens aged 65 and over have increased the risk of Kovid-19 transmission, so there are parks, coffee shops, cafes, tea shops and tea shops in these areas. gardens, patisserie, game halls, inn, club association buildings and clubs, and other indoor and outdoor seating areas in the region, between 12.00-19.00 on weekends, 16.00-19.00 on weekdays, and necessary inspections by law enforcement officers in the specified areas, provincial collective events such as weddings, henna, engagement, marriage, religious ceremony, circumcision Except for mother, father, grandfather, grandmother), it was unanimously decided to ban guests aged 65 and over, from entering the market places after 12.00, and from using public transportation between 07.00-10.00 and 17.00-22.00. “

In the statement, SSI service document showing active insurance from doctors, health workers, pharmacists, mayors, provincial directors of institutions, officials of social service organizations, public officials, public service providers, business owners, tradesmen, tradesmen, industrialists, self-employed, employees, It has been reported that those who document it with one of the tax registration, company authorization certificate, chamber and union identity and the heads of professional chambers will be considered within the scope of the exception.

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