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Breaking news! July 15 ceremony in Ankara! Memorial flower, ceremony in Gazi Assembly

July 15 Ceremonies were held in Ankara on the 4th anniversary of the treacherous coup attempt. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the accompanying delegation first put flowers in the Monument of July 15 Martyrs opposite the Presidential Complex, and then a ceremony was held in the Gazi Parliament.

The first ceremony was held at the July 15 Martyrs’ Memorial in Beştepe. 31 people were martyred in the attack on the Presidential Complex on the night of July 15.

President Erdogan left flowers on the July 15 Martyrs’ Memorial, which was built opposite the Presidential Complex. President Erdoğan was accompanied by the ministers. President Erdoğan and his delegation prayed for the martyrs.

Relatives and veterans of the martyrs were not invited to the ceremonies held this year due to the coronavirus.

President Erdoğan went to the Parliament after the ceremony.


July 15 is the target of nefarious terrorists attempt to blow bombs fetö’c Turkey Grand National Assembly (Parliament), the ceremony began. President Erdoğan, Vice President Fuat Oktay, Parliament Speaker Mustafa Şentop and ministers attended the ceremony.


“We are not here for a ceremony,” declaring parliament speaker Mustafa Sentop, is to declare that the determination that does not allow July 15 is alive.

“The traitors did not take account,” said Sentop, “while our citizens do not pass through the traitors, the members of the Assembly were against the coup”.

Şentop continued his words as follows:

“The main reason of July 15th, treacherous coup, Turkey’s reach into power will appeal to existing systems in the world. A place that all pulses every 10 years on Turkey’s progress are attempting sourced foreign for the development and prosperity.”


In his speech at the Gazi Assembly, President Erdoğan said:

“I wish God’s mercy to our martyrs, whose martyrdom and our future we owe. I also deny our veterans who have struggled for our lands, which have been irrigated with martyrs, to remain our homeland for a thousand years.

It is not a random choice for the FETÖ traitors attacking our country on the night of July 15 to target the parliament. This Assembly is an assembly established on the battlefield. This assembly is the assembly that lifts our country back to the hope of our nation. This council yeast is a council kneaded by the fire of independence. It is a council that brought a young republic from a 700-year-old world state.

As Prime Minister and President for more than 17 years, I am honored to serve in this Assembly. I do not know a parliament in the world that deserves the title of veteran so much. I do not know any other nation in the world that has taken its assembly so much.

On the night of July 15, the traitors who bombed the Presidential Complex, the Special Operations Directorate, the Ankara Police Department and the Parliament know what they are doing. The putschists were well aware of their work. They were deliberately touching those triggers, taking lives. If they were strong, make sure they did not hesitate to kill all the rulers of the country, especially the President and the Prime Minister. Praise be to them, with the help of Allah and the resistance of our nation, their power was not enough and the coup attempt failed.

Whoever is trying to belittle, insignificant, disrepute, and caricature July 15, know that his aim is to overshadow this deep historical meaning, and overlook it.

July 15 is not an ordinary coup attempt. It is a historical breaking point with huge accounts behind it. Whatever happened in Malazgirt was on July 15. What happened in the conquest of Istanbul was on July 15. What happened in the War of Independence in Çanakkale was on July 15. July 15 is the last link in the chain of asset-absence struggles that we live in this land.

When we look at the epics that make nations around the world and keep them together for centuries, we see that most of them are behind July 15. Sometimes a single hero changes the fate of the nation, on July 15, millions of heroes appeared.

To understand the historical turning points of countries and nations, it is necessary to compare before and after such events. It was a country that resulted in paralysis as a result of any moves made by the FETO members in bureaucracy, business world, politics and media. We used a lot of energy and covered little distance. We started to see the silhouette of this organization behind the troubles faced by our country. The organization’s blatantly prominent place is the December 17/25 coup attempt. The Supreme Assembly accelerated the defeat of the coup plotters as the steeled serhaddi of the faithful chest of our nation that night. Turkey has gained the liquidation of Feton cells to new horizons. The TSK has begun to carry out its operations that we could not put into action one after another. Our people have turned their directions to the future. The Turkish Grand National Assembly also contributed to the reform agenda of our country with the laws it enacted. We continue our way in a much stronger and determined way.

We have entered a period when the cards are re-mixed in the world. Turkey is at the heart of this process. We have to manage this change process successfully. We have to be strong and firm for all our neighbors and brothers. No matter who, for whatever reason, we cannot prevent any power from hitting our democracy with new shackles. We need to build our future by taking lessons from history. Our country has not been able to take advantage of many opportunities in the past and wasted its energy due to fights and ideological conflicts. A repeated blows was sentenced to 10 years in Turkey dependent on foreign economies.

In the last 18 years, there is our determination not to make this mistake in every field, from democracy to economy, from defense to fight against terrorism, from health to agriculture. Despite the decency that poisoned the nation’s agenda with slander and lies, we have not compromised our time. We will not allow our nation to divide and disintegrate. We defended the brotherhood of 83 million, we will defend it. In our view, nothing is more precious than the future of our homeland. If it is a patriot and nation, the rest is detailed. We will disappoint areas targeting politics with street terrorism, violence and repression. Their stubbornness for the future of Turkey is ready to incinerate ambitious, our homeland, we will continue to defend our independence.

I want to make a sincere call from here; I invite everyone who beats the heart with the love of the nation and the country to support our cause. Let’s take the safety of our martyrs together, let’s build the 2023 goals together. When we achieve this, there is no obstacle that can block our country. “

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