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Breaking news: An avalanche fell on Trabzon-Gümüşhane highway Zigana Mountain

Trabzon– Gümüşhane highway Zigana Around 8.30pm to Mountain Pass raw He fell. While the highway was closed to transportation, 3 vehicles in progress were damaged. In the event that no one was injured, long vehicle queues occurred on the highway. AFAD, UMKEÿ and highways team were dispatched to the scene upon the notice of the drivers. The teams made investigations on the possibility of remaining vehicles under avalanches. Upon determining that there were no vehicles under avalanche, the teams started the road trip. The road, where the transportation was interrupted for 2 hours, was given in a controlled way from a single lane.

Özgür Yazıcı, who witnessed the fall of avalanches, stated that snow masses fell from the slope and claimed an avalanche in the same area in 2008. Yazıcı, in the incident, stated that the house was damaged on the slope.


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“We are not injured in the avalanche incident at the exit of the Zigana Mountain Tunnel,” Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca. gave the information.

Minister Koca shared the following on his Twitter account regarding the avalanche in the Trabzon-Gümüşhane highway Zigana Mountain location:

“We are not injured in the avalanche incident at the exit of the Zigana Mountain Tunnel. Immediately after the avalanche of two vehicles fell, our teams reached out to help. Everything is fine.”

Koca thanked the health personnel by sharing the images of the 112 Emergency Health and National Medical Rescue Team (UMKE) who intervened in the incident.


Speaking about the avalanche on the Zigana Mountain on the Trabzon-Gümüşhane highway tonight, Gümüşul’s Torul District District Governor Ömer Said Karakaş said, “There have been vehicles damaged by avalanche, but there is no vehicle underneath, but we have not been able to determine it yet.”

Karakaş stated that the road was opened to transportation after avalanche from a single lane. “The road has been opened to transportation from a single lane for now. There were vehicles damaged by avalanches on the road, but there is no vehicle underneath, or we have not been able to determine it yet. He says he may or may not be a citizen. We do not have any information about whether a vehicle is left under the snow yet. We are evaluating this issue. AFAD, the gendarmerie and the Highways teams are there. ”

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Trabzon Governorship, which warned an avalanche in the past days after the snowfall that was effective in Trabzon last weekend, renewed the avalanche warning after the avalanche in Zigana Mountain location on Trabzon-Gümüşhane highway this evening.

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In the last statement made by the Governorship, “According to meteorological forecasts, southern winds in this region, which is heavy snowfall in the past days, and moderate and locally strong (20-50 kg / m2) heavy rain on the coasts on Wednesday and Thursday; 500-600 m It is expected that the citizens should be careful and cautious about the negativities such as avalanches and landslides caused by snow melting along with snowfalls.

news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5e42f3d70f25442aac230659">Breaking news: An avalanche fell on Trabzon-Gümüşhane highway Zigana Mountain
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