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Breaking: Mesvaccins Update Sparks Global Health Concern

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Updated evidence-based recommendations for cervical cancer screening in… Following other countries in ⁢Europe and elsewhere‌ (Lew et al., 2017; CADTH, 2019; American ‍Cancer Society, 2020; Maver and ⁣Poljak, 2020), France has also ⁤recommended the use of the HPV test as the primary‍ cervical‌ cancer screening method, in July 2019. A year‍ later, in July 2020, these‌ recommendations ⁤were officially integrated into the national⁢ population-based cervical cancer screening …Source

(Cervical cancer screening pathways in France in 2015-2021, a … Screening⁢ pathways as 2015 for women screened in⁣ 2021 2a Women undergoing ⁢opportunistic screening in 2021 in France From center to edge:‍ 1st circle: interval between screening in 2021 and last …

France] in France, recent advances in cervical cancer screening include an⁢ organized‍ cervical ​cancer-screening program and the introduction of HPV testing as a first-line test for women⁣ aged 30-65 years. The⁣ HPV​ test, performed on a cervical ​smear ⁤taken by ⁤a health professional, could also be performed on a vaginal self-sample in certain …e‍ CCU reduction strategies are therefore not yet achieved, whether they are those⁣ set⁣ nationally, at ​European level or ⁢by WHO.Improvements remain necesary. Study authors ​note that if the screening invitation ⁣strategy has been followed by an increase ‌in the screening‌ rate and​ affected all the age groups concerned, and in particular the highest, ⁢spontaneous⁤ screening to ‌be remote (1). Vital awareness‌ efforts remain necessary, notably in certain territories where⁤ they must be adapted due to various obstacles: socio-economic inequalities, restricted access to information and health ⁣professionals,​ variable acceptance of health⁢ actions public, brakes of cultural origin.


  1. C. audiger, J.Plaine J et⁢ al. Effect ‍of​ the implementation of the organized program of uterus cancer screening on coverage rates in France: comparative analysis of periods 2015-2017 and 2020-2022.⁤ Bull epidemiol‌ Hebd. 2025;‌ (3-4): 33-40.
  2. C. Audiger, L. Fonteneau et al. Prevention of cervical ⁣cancer in france: inventory of vaccination and screening and analysis of territorial⁣ disparities, 2020-2023. Bull epidemiol Hebd.⁤ 2025; (3-4): 26-32.


Expert‍ Interview: ‍FranceS Adoption of HPV Testing for Cervical⁤ Cancer Screening

Recent updates in France’s healthcare policies have ‍brought notable changes to ‌cervical cancer screening protocols. The adoption‍ of ‍HPV ⁢testing as the primary⁤ screening method is one⁢ such advancement, following the recommendations of several international organizations. This interview features Dr. ‍Isabelle Lefevre, ⁢a renowned specialist in cervical cancer screening, discussing these changes and their implications.

Recommending HPV Testing as⁤ the ⁣Primary Screening Method

Long/styles=”font-weight: bold;”>Editor (LT): When did‌ France begin recommending HPV testing as the primary method for cervical⁣ cancer screening?

Dr.⁣ Lefevre: France first recommended HPV ⁢testing as the‍ primary cervical cancer screening method in⁢ July 2019. These recommendations were officially integrated into our ‌national ​population-based screening program a year later, in July 2020. This decision was backed by evidence from ⁢various international studies ‌and aligns with recommendations from organizations like the⁤ American Cancer society.

Adapting Screenings to ⁣Include Self-Sampling

LT: Can you tell us more about the implementation of HPV testing and its effect on cervical cancer⁢ screening pathways?

Dr. Lefevre: the HPV test can be performed ​on a ‌cervical smear ⁣taken by a healthcare professional. Though, there is also an‍ option for self-sampling from a vaginal sample. This inclusion in ‍our screening pathways is important because it⁤ can potentially ⁢increase compliance and reduce ⁤socio-economic‍ barriers by offering ‍a ⁤less invasive method,​ making screening more accessible.

Challenges in Cervical Cancer Screening

LT: What are some of the⁣ challenges faced in⁢ cervical ⁢cancer screening programs in ​France?

Dr.​ Lefevre: While the organized screening ⁤program and HPV testing have seen improvements, there‌ are still challenges, especially ‍in ensuring ‍consistent ‍screening rates across all age groups and socio-economic ‌demographics.‌ We’ve noted that socio-economic inequalities, restricted access to⁤ healthcare details and professionals, and cultural factors​ also play a role in determining screening outcomes.

Improving Awareness and‌ Access

LT: How do you think awareness efforts ​can be enhanced to increase screening rates in challenged regions?

Dr. Lefevre: Crucial awareness efforts are necessary, especially in⁢ territories with socio-economic inequalities and limited access to healthcare. Adapting these efforts based on⁤ local needs, providing culturally ​suitable information, and ensuring access to healthcare professionals are key steps.Tailored educational campaigns ⁢targeting these communities can also improve acceptance of and participation ⁤in‌ screening programs.

Looking⁢ Ahead

LT: What ‍are the future goals for cervical cancer screening in France?

Dr. Lefevre: Our future goals include continuing the implementation of HPV testing as the primary screening method and addressing the ⁢remaining disparities in screening⁢ coverage. Ongoing research, improved access ‍to screening,⁤ and enhanced education are essential for achieving these objectives and reducing cervical cancer incidence‌ effectively.

Dr. ‌Lefevre’s insights underscored the transformative potential and ongoing challenges of ⁢France’s⁤ new cervical cancer screening strategy. The adoption ⁤of HPV testing and attention to socio-economic barriers⁣ are crucial for achieving extensive‍ and ⁤effective screening in⁤ France.

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