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“Breaking Free from the Burden of Fame: Viktor Loginov’s Struggle to Escape the ‘Gena Bukin’ Image”

The role in the sitcom brought him not only good luck.

The whole country started talking about Viktor Loginov after the release of the cult TV series Happy Together. The actor played the role of Gena Bukin, the head of an unlucky family. The sitcom made Victor a star, but the burden of fame was not easy for him.

The screen image was so firmly entrenched in Loginov that many projected the qualities of Gena onto the actor himself. In addition, the directors were in no hurry to invite the artist to their projects – they saw him exclusively as Bukin.

This state of affairs ceased to suit Loginov. At first, he enjoyed the popularity that fell upon him, but then it became a burden. Victor did not give up and tried in every possible way to “wash off” the stuck image.

Loginov starred in many films, where he appeared in a variety of roles. So, in the detective story “Psychology of Crime. Black cat in a dark room ”Victor got a serious role. His hero is an imposing and well-groomed man in a formal suit and glasses. Here, the actor is completely different from the iconic, but boring character from Happy Together.

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