Polskie Sieci Energetyczne reported that the failure that disconnected almost the entire huge Bełchatów Power Plant from the system was the result of human error during work at the Rogowiec power station. As explained by the president of PSE, Eryk Kłossowski, the employee who performed the temporary disconnection of the Rogowiec-Ołtarzew line did it “on his own”, in violation of good practices in force at PSE.
“Additionally, at the end, he confused two devices and grounded an active live line, which caused a cascade of events” – we read in a PAP report, published by Business Insider. The fact that the short circuit was so extensive is due to a construction error from 1982. Installation prove to be inconsistent with the design. – If it were made in accordance with today’s standards, it would have endured – explained Kłossowski.