Home » today » World » Brazil.- YouTube suspends Bolsonaro’s channel for a video in which he links the vaccine against COVID-19 with AIDS

Brazil.- YouTube suspends Bolsonaro’s channel for a video in which he links the vaccine against COVID-19 with AIDS


Youtube has suspended for at least a week the channel of the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, for misinformation in a broadcast in which he links the use of vaccines against COVID-19 with the development of AIDS.

The suspension has been carried out since Monday night for violating the platform’s rules with “medical misinformation about COVID-19 by stating that vaccines do not reduce the risk of contracting the disease and that they cause other infectious diseases,” he said. YouTube informed in a statement, collected by the Brazilian portal G1.

“Our guidelines are in line with the guidelines of local and global health authorities, and we update our policies as the guide changes. We apply our policies consistently across the platform, regardless of who is the creator or what their political opinion “, has asserted the portal.

YouTube had already sent a notice to Bolsonaro in July for violating its rules, although the direct suspension was not reached then, as has been done now. If the Brazilian president violates the rules of the platform in the next 90 days again, the punishment would be two weeks without being able to publish, and, if the third notice is reached in the same period of time, the channel will be permanently eliminated.

The suspension of the president’s account comes after Facebook withdrew the same direct on Sunday. “Our policies do not allow alleging that coronavirus vaccines kill or can cause serious harm to people,” the social network said to justify its decision to delete the video from Facebook and Instagram.

The content in question is a direct that President Bolsonaro issued last Thursday, his weekly appearance on social networks, and in which he assured that those vaccinated against the coronavirus “are developing the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome”, an association that the authorities Doctors have already called it false and absurd.

This is the second video that Facebook withdraws from Bolsonaro, after a March 2020 recording in which the Brazilian president promoted the use of chloroquine, an anti-malaria drug, to preventively treat the coronavirus, despite the fact that Science has shown not only that it is ineffective, but that it could backfire in some cases as well.

The suspension of Bolsonaro’s channel on YouTube is reminiscent of the indefinite blocking of the account of former United States President Donald Trump, who was thus sanctioned by the platform a few days after his supporters stormed the United States Capitol.

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