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Brazil – President Bolsonaro hospitalized with abdominal pain and in stable condition

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was hospitalized on Monday for an intestinal obstruction but his condition is stable, according to a note released by the Vila Nova Star Hospital in São Paulo, in which he is being treated.

“He is in stable condition, is being treated and his condition will be reassessed in the morning (…) At present, there is no forecast regarding the timing of his discharge from the hospital. “, explains the establishment in this note.

Jair Bolsonaro clarified on Twitter that he was undergoing tests to determine if he should have surgery and that he was fitted with a nasogastric tube.

– I started to feel sick after Sunday lunch.
– I arrived at the hospital at 3:00 am today.
– They put me in a nasogastric tube.
– More tests will be done for possible surgery for internal obstruction in the abdominal region. pic.twitter.com/NPgv6HwoHj

— Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) January 3, 2022

The presidential services had previously announced that Jair Bolsonaro, who was admitted to hospital early Monday morning, was suffering from abdominal pain.

Brazilian TV channel Globo aired footage of Jair Bolsonaro getting off the Brazilian presidency plane on the tarmac at São Paulo airport, overnight at around 1:30 a.m. (4:30 a.m. GMT), from where he was then transported to Vila Nova Star Hospital.

The Brazilian head of state has been hospitalized several times since he was stabbed in the abdomen during the 2018 election campaign. In July 2021, he had already been admitted to the Vila Nova Star hospital in São Paulo for bowel obstruction after a chronic hiccup attack.

Read also :
Brazil: President Bolsonaro hospitalized for a hiccup attack

Jair Bolsonaro was on vacation in the southern state of Santa Catarina.

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