Home » World » Brazil invites Burkina Faso to join the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty

Brazil invites Burkina Faso to join the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty

The Brazilian Ambassador to Burkina Faso, HE Ms. Ellen BARROS, was received in audience this Monday, October 28, 2024 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad SEM Karamoko Jean Marie TRAORE.

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She came to discuss with the Head of Burkinabe diplomacy, on the initiative Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty. This is a program adopted last July, during the ministerial meeting of the G20 working group held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This initiative aims to generate strong political will, encourage collective action, and facilitate the mobilization of resources to eliminate hunger and poverty in the world. According to the Brazilian diplomat, it is a new approach which will make it possible to better coordinate public policies, and to create synergy around the fight against hunger and poverty.

It stems from a great desire of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio LULA DA SILVA, to initiate effective strategies to put the world back on the path to “zero hunger” and the eradication of poverty. HE Ellen BARROS maintained that this global initiative is open to all countries and therefore, she invites Burkina Faso to join it and obtain the status of founding member of the Alliance.

HE Karamoko Jean Marie TRAORE welcomed this approach which he believes is original and relevant. For him, with campaigns to promote human rights and the availability of resources around the world, hunger and poverty are phenomena “unjustified” nowadays. He said he had taken note of the approach, and indicated that Burkina Faso would soon react to this request made by Brazil.

Note that the initiative “Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty” will be officially launched on November 18 during the G20 leaders’ summit scheduled for Brazil.


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Brazil invites Burkina Faso to join the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty



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