AFP extension
Nina Yurna
correspondent from South America
Nina Yurna
correspondent from South America
Tomorrow, January 1, the inauguration party of the new Brazilian president Lula da Silva will be announced with a ‘Festival of the Future’ where dozens of well-known artists will perform. After a tense and violent election campaign, the 77-year-old Lula won the election against his arch-rival, far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, by a slim margin of less than 2% in late October.
According to tradition, Bolsonaro is expected to hand over the presidential sash to his successor. But Bolsonaro refuses that, in fact, he left for the United States before becoming president.
The question is whether he is trying to escape possible lawsuits and numerous investigations against him, including for his actions in the corona pandemic, which has killed nearly 700,000 people in Brazil. If Bolsonaro is no longer president, he will lose his immunity, making prosecution easier.
Strict security measures
Due to the huge polarization in Brazil, the inauguration show has acquired a dark side. Due to the fear of violence by a hard core of Bolsonaro supporters, the so-called Bolsonarists, and even of a possible attack, strict security measures are in place.
For example, the Plaza of the Three Powers in the capital Brasilia, between the Planalto presidential palace, the Supreme Court and the Congress, would initially be freely accessible to all. But given the security situation, capacity is limited to 30,000 visitors, all of whom will be searched.
Meanwhile, Bolsonarists are fighting the election results. According to them, a fraud has been committed, although no proof has been provided. In cities such as Brasilia, São Paulo and Rio, they set up a tent city in front of the military headquarters. They want the military to intervene to prevent Lula from becoming president tomorrow.
Closed car with closed windows
Bolsonaro supporter Oliveira is ready to go very far if necessary. “If our blood must be shed, we are ready. We will fight to the end. With Bolsonaro in power, because he is our president-elect. We will never accept Lula.” Major concerns for Lula’s safety have increased, especially after a foiled bomb attack last week, for which several people were arrested.
For example, Lula probably won’t be driving through town in an open motorcade after the inauguration, but in a closed car with tinted windows. To Lula’s own regret, she is known as a leader who prefers to be around people. She has indicated that she would prefer to drive across town in an open car.
Great future
Bolsonaro bid an emotional farewell to his Facebook supporters on Friday and called on them to continue their fight. “I believe in you, I believe in God. We have a great future ahead of us.” Then he left for the United States at the end of the year. According to local media he will stay even longer for a vacation that he will spend with his family.
Earlier this week, Bolsonaro was rumored to be headed to the Mar-a-Lago resort of his political idol and friend Donald Trump. It is not clear when Bolsonaro, who will officially be a normal citizen upon his return, will return to Brazil.