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Brave »Proud Princess« Alena Vránová (90): IN LDN BECAUSE OF MY LEGS!

For ten years, the actress lived alone in the Rezidence Korunní project in Vinohrady in Prague, where her purchases are sometimes delivered to her by a nurse.

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He refused help

“For Ms. Vránová, this beautiful apartment is cursed. She made it ten years ago, in her eighties, enjoying the balcony, she tripped on the threshold and broke the wrists of both hands. It melted badly, so they had to break it again “. revealed to the newspaper Aha! one of the neighbors. “Then she fell and had to undergo a hip replacement. She started shopping with a wheeled bag and a cane, she didn’t want a caregiver, she had to be independent. And now this again! But she is very brave “, he shook his head sympathetically.

It keeps her alive

After the accident, she was put back on her feet due to interrupted work. As soon as she left Malvazinek, she accompanied the Autobiography of Agatha Christie († 85) with her voice. She adores the Queen of Detectives, she has read it, and has also excelled in the stage adaptation of her The Crown Witness, where she also had a dual role. “Work keeps me alive,” says the actress, who celebrated her 90th birthday last July.

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Her niece is visiting her

In addition to the nurse, the actress receives a visit from her niece Tereza Nyass (41), who sings with the Yellow Sisters. “Grandma is divine. She loves me, my husband and all our children. We will bring her the blue from the sky,” she says Tereza. She even wanted to move Grandma Alena into her family home. But Vránová refused, saying that she can still be self-sufficient and she also needs peace.

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