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Brau Union now delivers beer in Linz with natural gas trucks

21. August 2024

Zipfer, Gösser, Wieselburger: These beers are now delivered to Linz by natural gas truck. © Wolfgang Simlinger/Cityfoto

By switching to CNG trucks for beer delivery, the company is using compressed natural gas, which consists of biogas. Since mid-2022, four CNG trucks have already been in use in Linz city center and the surrounding area, the Heineken subsidiary announced.

Now 25 trucks in Linz and three more at other logistics locations of Brau Union Austria have been converted to biogas operation. The advantages of using biogas are lower CO2, pollutant and fine dust emissions compared to diesel vehicles, which is particularly important in urban areas.

In cooperation with Linz AG, a separate gas filling station for the trucks was built at the Heizhausstrasse location. The biogas for this filling station is supplied by OMV Gas, including the required biomethane certificates.

“The aim of Brau Union Austria is to reduce emissions in its own logistics. This is only possible through good cooperation with long-standing business partners such as Scania Haid, Linz AG and OMV Gas,” says Harald Raidl, Supply Chain Director of Brau Union Austria.

“With the purchase of the Scania CNG trucks, our customer has taken a step towards reducing its logistics-related emissions. We now wish them every success on their path to sustainability and especially with the new vehicles,” says Michael Rebhandl, Regional Director Upper Austria and Lower Austria West at Scania.

Further steps to reduce CO₂ emissions in logistics are also being planned. With the replacement of 24 trucks, 30 trucks will be electric by 2025, which is seven percent of the Brau Union Austria fleet of 394 trucks.

Also in 2025, a hydrogen truck will be used for long-distance travel as a pilot project.

According to Raidl, Brau Union wants to send a signal of how the company is dealing responsibly and consciously with the challenges of the current times.

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