The Antena3 journalist, Roberto Brasero, has announced a change in the weather pattern starting next week that will result in higher temperatures and precipitation in some parts of the country.
This weekend the frosts will continue at dawn, but the temperatures will begin to be warmer in the afternoon, especially from Monday. Little by little we will change the coat for the umbrellabecause, according to Brasero’s forecast, the rains could already arrive on Sunday.
Night frosts on the weekend
The night frosts will still last on Saturday and Sunday in a good part of the interior of the peninsula, although will be less intenseexcept in mountain areas where the minimum will continue to be very low.
According to the latest Aemet records, at dawn on Friday it reached -13 degrees in Sierra Nevada (Granada) and values of just under -10 degrees in Sanabria (Zamora), as well as in the ski resort of La Pinilla (Segovia) and in Astún (Huesca). Likewise, in populated areas such as Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara) the thermometers were once again around -10 degrees.
From Monday these frosts will subside and already on Wednesday the forecast does not include frost on the Peninsula.
Warmer temperatures in the afternoon
The temperatures They will gradually ascend throughout the next week. The afternoons will be warmer and we will already notice this Saturday, especially in the northeast of the peninsula, and on Sunday in the rest of the country.
The temperatures in areas such as eastern Iberia will reach up to 17 degrees in Tarragona and 16 degrees in Valencia.
Rains from Sunday
On Sunday the arrival of a front will sweep the peninsula from the southwest, with rainfall starting at noon in the southern half of the peninsulaand with an increase in the snow level up to 1100/1400 meters.
This front will open the door to a series of new Atlantic frontal systems over the following days, which will affect the peninsula with a predominance of cloudy or overcast skies with more intense and frequent precipitation the further to the northwest.
The rains, which will tend to remit by the end of the weekmay be strong and persistent in the west of Galicia on Wednesday and Thursday, and less intense the further to the southeast, being in general, except in the Pyrenees, unlikely in the eastern third of the peninsula.
Regarding precipitation in the form of snow, sand will be limited next week to high levels of the main mountainous systems of the northern third of the peninsula.