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Brando also used a fake Ukrainian passport with the names Viktor Kraich

Evelin Banev-Brendo is still wanted by Interpol.

The cocaine king begs for the second time the Bulgarian court to serve in our prison sentences from Italy and Romania

The wanted cocaine king Evelin Banev-Brendo had two Ukrainian passports – a real and a fake one, for which he is under investigation by the prosecutor’s office in Kyiv. This is clear from the ruling of the Sofia City Court of May 17. Brando asked the magistrates to accept the execution of his three sentences from Italy, Romania and Bulgaria. This is Banev’s second request in the same case, and the result is the same as in September last year. – she was left without respect.

Brando was arrested in Kyiv on September 6, 2021 after a 5-year search with Interpol. The court in Ukraine detained him for 20 days, but

was released

because he has become



According to the laws there, Ukrainians cannot have other citizenship and are not extradited abroad for crimes committed outside the country. Brando’s passport leaked to the media there. He was with his photos and names, and the only difference is in the second digit of his PIN, which is presented in Bulgaria.

However, the ruling of Judge Miroslav Georgiev states that during the arrest of Brendo on September 6 last year. another passport was seized. It was with the photo of Evelin Banev, but with other names – of the Ukrainian citizen Viktor Sergeevich Kraich. An expert examination showed that Banev and Kraich are the same person. It is because of this fake passport that Ukraine is investigating Brando. Brando has been known to use fake passports since 2000, when he was caught in Europe with personal data of a boy who died in an accident, as well as a Hungarian citizen. In both cases, there was a photo of Brando on the passports, but the personal data belonged to other people (insee below).

Evelin Banev’s first request to serve his three sentences in Bulgaria was received by the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office on September 1, 2021 – six days before he was detained in Kyiv, according to the ruling of the Sofia City Court. He presented information about his sentences from Romania and Italy, where he has to serve 10 and 20 years, respectively, for cocaine trafficking. Brendo’s request was then sent to the Sofia City Court, and in the meantime he was arrested. 14 days after his detention in Ukraine, the court in our country refused to consider his request for the unification of the three sentences and their adoption in our country. In it, Evelin Banev introduces himself with his Bulgarian personal data and even states that he is a Bulgarian citizen.

Both then and now, when Brando’s second request to go to prison in Bulgaria, the magistrates state that he must be on the territory of the European Union.

“In this case, Evelin Banev is on the territory of Ukraine, which is not a member of the EU,” wrote Judge Miroslav Georgiev.

After the Ukrainians captured Brando on September 6 last year, the prosecutor’s office sent documents for his extradition to Bulgaria.

The procedure is not

has graduated and

Brando not yet

was brought with


Romania has also sent documents, which is also wanted by Interpol. Banev received his first sentence of 10 years in prison for cocaine trafficking there. Then came the one from Italy, where he was sentenced to 20 years in the high-profile case “Cocaine Kings” for importing tons of drugs from South America to Europe, and finally, in 2018, his case ended in Bulgaria. It then became clear that Brando did not wait for the final decision in the process of money laundering from drug trafficking and fled. He became a Ukrainian in 2015. The last name of Brando became famous earlier this year with the case of the Swiss prosecutor’s office against the Credit Suisse bank, through which millions of drug traffickers passed. More than 10 years ago, the bank refused to cooperate in an investigation against the cocaine king. The defendants in the case are also the former tennis player Elena Bergomi and the wrestling coach Georgi Karamanliev, who, like Brendo, is a native of Topolovgrad.

Already 20 years ago he traveled with documents of a deceased boy and a Hungarian

Apart from Bulgarian and Ukrainian citizenship, Brando is known to have documents from Venezuela and the Maldives. There is information about them in the case against him for money laundering from drug trafficking, which ended in 2018, when he had already fled.
In addition, investigators have gathered evidence that 20 years ago he used foreign and forged passports while traveling abroad.
One of them was released with the name and details of a 5-year-old boy who died in an accident in 1976. However, the photo was taken by Brendo. An application for its issuance was submitted to the Ministry of Interior in August 2002. The document was received on 5 August. Three days later, on August 8 of the same year, Brando left Bulgaria with him. On August 9, he was registered to enter Italy. In September he twice entered and left Bulgaria with this passport, and in August 2003 he left Greece with it.
On August 26, 2003, the Italian police stopped a car in the Goritsa pass in which Evelin Banev was driving. Then he also identified himself with the passport with the data of the deceased.
In July 2005, Brendo was detained in Spain with two other Bulgarians. A document of a Hungarian citizen was found in it, but again with his photo. You also bought plane tickets with him. His companions, again Bulgarians, also had fake passports. Mysteriously, after Brando gave his real passport from Bulgaria, he was released. A report shows that he has had the document since 2000, when he was registered to enter Greece with it.

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