Home » News » Brand Shumen! The Bulgarian Troy in UNESCO, a twist with the money for archaeology – 2024-11-19 20:53:00

Brand Shumen! The Bulgarian Troy in UNESCO, a twist with the money for archaeology – 2024-11-19 20:53:00

The Bulgarian Troy – the mystical Madara, receives the support of the state for inclusion in the UNESCO lists for the protection of world cultural heritage. For the Madara horseman, which has been under the protection of the world organization since 1979, our country will prepare the documents for the entire Madara National Historical and Archaeological Reserve.

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SEE ALSO: Slavka Bozukova: Brand Shumen is a story of pride and national self-esteem

This is one of the numerous results of the discussion “Brand Shumen – this is where Bulgaria starts”, which the Society “Cultural Heritage” – the Bulgarian representative of the largest European organization for the protection of cultural heritage Europa Nostra, the media “Standard” and the municipality of Shumen organized today in the city.

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The Minister of Culture Nayden Todorov, the Deputy Minister of Tourism Irena Georgieva, the Regional Governor Beinur Ahmed, the People’s Representative from DPS-Novo Nachalo Aysel Mustafova, the representative of the Varna and Veliko Preslav Metropolitan John, the regional mufti Mesut Hasanov, the mayors of Kaolinovo Nida Akhmedov, on Veliki Preslav Eng. Yanko Yordanov, historians, archaeologists, representatives of the tourist business and non-governmental organizations, universities and the media.

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New sites in UNESCO

Even the first explorers of Madara called these lands the Bulgarian Troy, emphasized the mayor Prof. Hristo Hristov, who hosted the large-scale forum. He proposed the inclusion of Madara Research Institute in UNESCO and received the full support of the Minister of Culture.

SEE MORE: Prof. Hristo Hristov: The miracles of Shumen are a chance for development

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The first and second Bulgarian capitals – Pliska and Veliki Preslav, should be in UNESCO, Nayden Todorov was categorical. They will be among the Bulgarian proposals for new sites in UNESCO together with the first city in Europe – Provadia Solnitsa, and the Great Basilica in Plovdiv.

Prof. Hristov extended an invitation to the guests of the 47th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, which will be held from July 6 to 16, 2025. in Bulgaria, to visit the Madara Horseman, NIAR “Madara”, the Golden Church of Tsar Simeon in Veliki Preslav, the Preslav Museum, which keeps the legendary Preslav Golden Treasure, the “Patleyna” area, where there is an ancient monastery from the 9th century, and Provadia Solnitsa. Minister Todorov agreed to include the wonders of Shumen in the tours of guests from all over the world.

A story of pride and national self-esteem

Brand Shumen is the story that begins from the deepest antiquity – from the Middle Paleolithic, through the Neolithic, Thracian, Roman, Byzantine, Old Bulgarian and Early Turkish, and up to today. A story that goes through tolerance through the symbols of both the Great Basilica in Pliska and the legendary Tombul Mosque, pointed out Slavka Bozukova, chairman of the Cultural Heritage Society and publisher of the Standard media. And he added: “A story that is the exciting story of the beginning of the Bulgarian state, about the legends of Pliska and Veliki Preslav.”

This is the narrative that, in addition to bringing pride and national self-confidence, brings new development to the region through cultural and pilgrimage tourism, through innovations by the young, Slavka Bozukova was emphatic. She received from the mayor Prof. Hristo Hristov the special distinction of Shumen – a plaque of the Madar horseman, the global symbol of Bulgaria.

Shumen’s wonders go digital

An innovative project for tourism is being made by Shumen together with the municipality of Kaspichan, announced the mayor Prof. Christ Christ. The project is for over 5 million. BGN. It is for cultural tourism and natural features. It includes the development of a regional cultural and historical product, innovative tourism services, virtual reality, augmented reality, tourism digital city infrastructure.

Under this project, all the Wonders of Shumen will have their digital version, so that they are easily accessible and with a lot of information for both domestic tourists and foreigners.

Minister Nayden Todorov: Brand Bulgaria digital platform

The new Revival of Bulgaria starts from Shumen, said Minister Nayden Todorov. Brand Shumen is something huge that brings back our pride in ourselves, he stressed. And he announced great news – Brand Bulgaria will have its own digital platform, where all the wonders will be collected, including Bulgarian films. The platform will be expanded with all the Balkan wonders. Talks are currently being held with the countries of the region and funding is being sought.

A similar large-scale platform, but in tourism, is also made by our ministry, announced the responsible deputy minister Irena Georgieva. The platform will include accommodations and specific routes. It will also be expanded with Brand Balkani, for the realization of which Minister Evtim Miloshev undertook a tour of the region and meetings with his colleagues.

Excavation money – priority sites and funds for 3 years

Minister Nayden Todorov turns the money for archeology. He is preparing an entirely new model of financing excavations. We have scientific and cultural archaeology. The scientific one is the discoveries, the cultural one is their socialization. Such a division should also exist in financing, the minister explained.

Excavation money will no longer be on a first-come, first-served basis. Funds will be provided for several years to come – at least 3. A special commission will determine the priority objects to which they will be given. Thus, scientists will be able to quickly reveal and socialize the Miracles with huge potential for Brand Bulgaria and the new business card of our country.

It is very ugly that the first Bulgarian capital, Pliska, is struggling for funding for excavations. This is the end of a nation, Minister Nayden Todorov was outraged.

Slavka Bozukova turned to Aysel Mustafova with a request for cooperation in the parliament to hold a meeting between Minister Nayden Todorov and the people’s representatives with the portfolio of culture, in order to activate as quickly as possible the ideas for the protection and disclosure of the cultural heritage. Mrs. Mustafova committed to support.

The forum started with the wonderful performance of the children from the “Bodra Pesen” choir at the Shumen United Children’s Complex. And it ended with the solemn anthem of the city “This is where Bulgaria begins”, performed with guitar accompaniment personally by its author Asen Maslarski. The whole hall was on its feet.

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#Brand #Shumen #Bulgarian #Troy #UNESCO #twist #money #archaeology
detail photograph 1. What is the meaning behind ⁤the term “Brand Shumen” and how does it relate to the region’s tourism industry?

2. ⁢Can you provide more details about‍ the innovative project ​being developed by Shumen Municipality and Kaspichan Municipality for cultural and historical tourism?

3. How⁤ will the digitization of all ‌the wonders in Shumen through‌ Brand Bulgaria’s ⁣digital⁣ platform contribute​ to promoting the⁢ region’s attractions?

4. Are there ‍any specific ⁤efforts being ​made underway ⁣by the ⁢government to support ​the excavation of archaeological sites such as⁣ Pliska, the first Bulgarian capital? If so, what are they? ​

5. What role does cultural‍ heritage play in the national identity and pride⁣ of Bulgaria, and how is this being reflected in the latest initiatives of the government?

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