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Branch from the forest. What wild plants can be planted in the country? | Dacha | free time

The desire to bring a piece of wildlife to your site is understandable. I want natural beauty and romance. But when choosing, it is important not to make serious mistakes that can lead to problems for other plants on the site.

Responsible agronomist Petr Sinkovsky:

– If you decide to plant trees from the nearest forest on your site, then you should take into account several factors that may not be so obvious at first glance.

Let’s start with compatibility. Here it is necessary to build on the size of the site first of all. Large ones can also be planted with oak. It should only be taken into account that this tree has a powerful and spreading crown, so it’s worth considering several times whether it is necessary to plant this giant on the site, besides, the older the oak, the more moisture it needs.

Forest spruce can eventually spread its superficial root system so that all the other inhabitants of your site will feel very uncomfortable.

We recommend opting for mountain ash and viburnum. These plants are beautiful and do not require much maintenance. Any soil is suitable, as well as illumination. And bright berries will not only decorate the site, but will also be useful when consumed. So, in any case, says traditional medicine.

Rosehip is suitable for hedges, it will decorate your site with luxurious greenery and abundant flowering, which will attract workaholic bees and bumblebees. Which will have a fruitful effect on all garden crops. And everyone knows about the benefits of rose hips.

From berries, you can opt for raspberries and strawberries. Yes, they are inferior in size to garden raspberries and strawberries, but they will give a hundred points ahead in taste and aroma. In addition, everything will work with strawberries: both berries and leaves, if they are dried and brewed like tea in winter.

A separate place in the country can be allocated for forest and meadow flowers. They create a corner that requires almost no care, do not need watering and top dressing. Bluebells, chamomile, tansy, St. John’s wort and Ivan tea in fertile soils will bloom even brighter and become a real decoration of your flower beds. By the way, they are wonderful partners for any horticultural crops.

And the shady corners of your garden will decorate and bring mystery to them with ferns. Ferns are the easiest forest plants to carry. If you do not injure the roots, then the fern will quickly take root and will please you for decades.

Among the forest plants there are also poisonous ones. It is absolutely not worth planting a wolfberry, red elderberry, yew berry, snowberry, “crow’s eye” on your site.

Especially for the AiF, this issue was commented and lawyer Sergey Kolomeytsev:

“Remember, not everything that grows around us can be taken and dug up. Before picking up a particular plant, try to identify it. With the help of the same smartphone and the corresponding mobile applications, of which there are many today. Never touch plants listed in the Red Book: this is a crime, an article, a fine or even a prison. True, if you are caught digging for rarity, then it will be necessary to prove malicious intent. If your actions qualify as “negligent”, then you will not be held liable. But it is still much better and easier to avoid such situations.

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