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brake on conventional breaks

Over the first 11 months of the year, amicable divorces between employers and employees only increased by 1.4% compared to the same period in 2018.

Are conventional breaks in decline? According to data from the research directorate of the Ministry of Labor (Dares), over the first 11 months of the year, 407,657 amicable divorces were recorded, an increase of 1.4% compared to the same period last year, specify The echoes.

A falling figure. Indeed, if 2018 had already been marked by a slowdown, the number of conventional ruptures had nevertheless increased by 3.9% over one year. A small score if we compare it with previous years: + 8% in 2016 and 2017.

Extension to the civil service

This brake is the most important since the creation of the system in 2008 with one exception: 2013. The modification of the rules of UI had then increased the waiting period before the triggering of compensation in the event of registration with Pôle emploi for this reason.

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The decline in 2019 comes as the system will be extended to the public service from 1st January 2020. Contract agents on open-ended contracts and permanent civil servants will be able to use this third way of terminating the employment contract, with dismissal and resignation, from next year.

New rules

The secretary of state for public service told Les Echos that the implementing decree should be published “in January”. Its content is however already known.

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It fixes a minimum of “specific contractual termination indemnity” which varies from a quarter of a month’s gross compensation per year of seniority up to 10 years and to three-fifths from 20 years and up to 24 years. The device will be tested for five years for permanent officials.

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