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Brain operation Ernst Daniël Smid successful

During the surgery, which lasted hours, electrodes and a neurostimulator were implanted. In this way he hopes to be less bothered by the physical complaints he experiences due to Parkinson’s disease. Now that the operation has been completed, it must be shown whether the symptoms do indeed decrease. According to Jolanda, Ernst Daniël is currently too ‘tired to talk’. Due to the illness, he also had difficulty speaking before the operation.

“I look forward to it and hope that I will shake less after that,” Ernst Daniël said earlier about the operation in conversation with the newspaper. He had been on the waiting list for months and prays that the surgery will be successful. Ernst Daniël suffers a lot from the consequences of the disease, such as trembling hands and a poorer voice. “Because of the tremor, which I can’t control, I can’t eat properly and a meal becomes a fight on the plate. That’s why I always sit on my left hand. Otherwise my whole body shakes.”

Simply holding a spoon to stir the coffee is no longer possible. “I’m dead tired at the end of the day and can barely talk,” he continues. “It’s still okay in the mornings. Then I still have a little energy.”

Ernst Daniël proudly published an autobiography about his life last summer. RTL Boulevard spoke to him about it.

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