Home » today » Sport » Brain fart 01.09.: Mozzarella in the knee – Stevinho.de

Brain fart 01.09.: Mozzarella in the knee – Stevinho.de

Hello, my dears,

I feel like writing something again and will do it regularly again. This is about individual thoughts that don’t make it into the podcast or things that have happened to me or that I’m thinking about…

– Do you know this? You buy Mozzarellabecause you fancy some tomato and mozzarella again. And unfortunately you forget to buy the tomatoes. And before you know it, the mozzarella is expired. I, for example, had the problem today: My mozzarella was “only” good until August 20, 2023. Can I still return it?

– Mine Knee are completely fucked. Yes, both of them. It looks like I have relatively serious cartilage damage/arthritis in both of them. And I’m 50. My doctor says that this can happen without warning.

Every time I stand up it is painful. My right knee is constantly swollen. I have tried absolutely everything. Nothing helps.

I would love to be able to run again and take part in PE lessons. But what I miss most is playing wildly with Leo. Like an old grandpa, I hobble along behind him when we play war. Grandpa Ticktock, I tell you!

– I am currently researching Allimania 4 and prepare myself. I’ve listened to the original several times now and I still think it’s very good. The part has aged pretty well. I haven’t heard the fourth episode for so many years that it’s basically a new radio play for me.

To get some more ideas and suggestions, I turned to Ms. GPT. I typed my first three scripts into her and told her what Part 4 should be about. When I tell her to write Part 4 for me in 15,000 words, she only comes up with 300-500 at most. Do any of you know how to get around this?

Here is a version that Ms. GPT spat out – what do you think?

Echoes of squeaking gears and sporadic puffs of steam

[Erzählerin] in a mischievous voice Deep beneath the earthy ceiling, in the winding corridors of Gnomeregan, an ancient power awakens to life. Our heroes, armed with nothing but their wit and a healthy dose of naivety, head into the heart of darkness… or at least into a rather dark workshop.

Background noise: A robot sneezes as dust is kicked up

[Uschi] a bit annoyed If I had known it was so dusty here, I would have installed my vacuum cleaner add-on.
[Mirakoli] sarcastic Great, now where do we get a plug in this pile of junk?
[Horst] confused Do you also plug toast into a plug?
[Dimitri] giggles No, Horst, but sometimes I wish there was a plug so I could switch you off for a moment.

Sudden hissing and the sound of an exploding steam valve

[Uschi] Whispering Quietly now, I think that’s the entrance to the main control chamber up ahead.
[Mirakoli] ironic What could possibly go wrong? Except maybe we all end up in a giant steam engine.
[Dimitri] determined Enough joking. On three. One, two… er, two and a half… three!

The group stumbles awkwardly into the room, an old gramophone plays a loud marching music

[Erzählerin] dramatic In front of our heroes lies the biggest pile of scrap metal they have ever seen, and in the middle of it, sitting on a rusty throne, is the self-proclaimed king of coffee pots.
[König Kaffeekanne] metallic, with a slight clatter Who dares to disturb my iron sleep?
[Uschi] tries to whisper but fails loudly It’s just us, the band of heroes. Here to uh… search your… treasure chamber?
[Horst] euphoric Do coffee pots also have toasts?
[Mirakoli] sighs Why always me?

Dimitri tries to take cover behind a rusty bucket, but the bucket crashes loudly

[König Kaffeekanne] threatening You disturbed my steamy sleep! You must pay for this! With coffee beans, if possible.

A brief, awkward fight ensues, with more old tools and loose screws flying than magical sparks.

[Horst] whirls around but only hits an old coffee machine I hit something! I hit… oh, just coffee grounds.
[Mirakoli] whispers I didn’t know that our biggest enemy today would be rust and caffeine.
[Uschi] energetic Don’t worry, I have a plan! Raul, can you work some of your magical coffee machine cleaning magic?

Raul, who had been silent until then, nods and unleashes a glittering wave that cleans everything sparkling clean

[König Kaffeekanne] surprised and delighted Oh, brilliant! It hasn’t been this clean for decades. What do you say if we take a coffee break instead of fighting?
[Erzählerin] cheerful So our heroes find in the depths of Gnomeregan not only potential dangers, but also unexpected hospitality and a lifelong supply of the best, if somewhat metallic-tasting, coffee.

The scene ends with the sound of a hissing espresso machine and the quiet clinking of coffee cups.

[Horst] happy Can I dip my toast in coffee?
[Erzählerin] amused What will happen next for our heroes? Stay tuned for more adventures in Allimania Reloaded. Until next time, dear Allimaniacs, wave wave!


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