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Brain Cancer Signs and Symptoms … Here’s What Happens

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Brain tumors are the leading cause of death for many people, and it is one of the deadliest types of cancer, and there are many types, some of which are cancerous (malignant) and others non-cancerous (benign).

Some malignant tumors start in the brain, so they are called primary brain cancer, and the malignant cancer spreads from another part of the body to the brain, causing a secondary brain tumor.

There are many possible symptoms of brain tumors and they can also vary depending on where the tumor grows in the brain and how large it is.

Here are some of the most common symptoms and warning signs of brain cancer, the causes, and when to see a doctor, according to Healthline.

Headache exacerbation:

A common symptom is a brain tumor which can put pressure on sensitive nerves and blood vessels, also preventing fluids from flowing freely into the brain.The increased pressure usually causes headaches.


A tumor can press on structures in the brain and this interferes with electrical signals between nerve cells and leads to an attack.

Personality changes or mood swings:

It also causes disruption of brain function, affecting your personality, behavior, and unexplained mood changes.

Loss of memory and confusion

Memory problems can be due to a tumor in any part of the brain, especially if it affects the frontal or temporal lobes, impairing rational thinking and decision making. For example, it is difficult to concentrate, it is easy to get distracted, you are often confused about simple things, moreover, you cannot multitask and have difficulty planning anything, you have problems with short-term memory.


It’s more than just feeling tired every now and then. Here are some signs that you are really tired:

You are totally tired most of the time or all of the time.

You generally feel weak and your limbs heavy.

You often find yourself falling asleep in the middle of the day.

You lose the ability to concentrate.

Excessively nervous.

Fatigue can be caused by a cancerous brain tumor, but it’s probably not the first sign.

– Depression:

Common among people diagnosed with brain tumor, feelings of sadness last longer than normal for the situation during treatment Loss of interest in things you used to like Lack of energy Difficulty sleeping Insomnia Thoughts of self-harm or suicide,

Feelings of guilt or worthlessness.


You may experience nausea and vomiting in the early stages because the tumor is causing a hormonal imbalance or an increase in pressure in the brain.

During chemotherapy, nausea and vomiting can be side effects.

Vomiting caused by a brain tumor is usually severe and is very different from vomiting that occurs during pregnancy, food poisoning, or the flu.

Weakness and numbness:

General weakness can only occur because your body is battling a disease.Some brain tumors cause numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.

Weakness or numbness can also be a side effect of cancer treatment.

Poor eyesight:

Vision problems may be due to a tumor located in or around the pituitary gland, optic nerve, occipital lobe, or temporal lobe.

Difficulty speaking, reading and writing:

These difficulties can be caused by a tumor near the temporal lobe or the parietal lobe.

Hearing problems:

It can be caused by a tumor near the cranial nerves or the temporal lobe.

Problems with swallowing:

There may be a tumor near the cerebellum or in or near the cranial nerves.

Difficulty moving hands and arms or walking:

This can be caused by a tumor near the cerebellum, frontal lobe, or brain stem.

Numbness, weakness or pain of the face:

This also occurs with a tumor involving the brain stem.

Many of the symptoms listed above could be caused by something else, not a brain tumor.

So it’s important to talk to your doctor about these symptoms to diagnose the cause.

– the reasons:

The cause of a brain tumor is usually unknown.

However, there are some risk factors that can increase the chances of a person developing a brain tumor, including:

Gender: Brain tumors are generally more common in men.

Age: more common in children and the elderly.

Exposure to certain substances: it is associated with certain substances such as solvents, pesticides and nitrates.

Genetic factors: 5% of brain tumors are linked to genetic conditions or factors.

When should a doctor be consulted?

If you have some of the signs and symptoms listed above, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a brain tumor.

Because these symptoms overlap with those of many other conditions, getting the correct diagnosis and early treatment is essential.

Therefore, we recommend that you go to a specialist doctor immediately, to determine the cause of your symptoms is the first step in getting the treatment you need.

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